Class: Wx::App
- Inherits:
- Object
- Object
- EvtHandler
- Wx::App
- Defined in:
- lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb,
The App class represents the application itself when wxUSE_GUI=1
In addition to the features provided by AppConsole it keeps track of the top window (see #set_top_window) and adds support for video modes (see set_display_mode). In general, application-wide settings for GUI-only apps are accessible from App (or from SystemSettings or SystemOptions classes).
Events emitted by this class
Event handler methods for events emitted by this class:
EvtHandler#evt_query_end_session(meth = nil, &block): Process a query end session event, supplying the member function. See CloseEvent.
EvtHandler#evt_end_session(meth = nil, &block): Process an end session event, supplying the member function. See CloseEvent.
EvtHandler#evt_activate_app(meth = nil, &block): Process a EVT_ACTIVATE_APP event. See ActivateEvent.
EvtHandler#evt_hibernate(meth = nil, &block): Process a hibernate event. See ActivateEvent.
EvtHandler#evt_dialup_connected(meth = nil, &block): A connection with the network was established. See DialUpEvent.
EvtHandler#evt_dialup_disconnected(meth = nil, &block): The connection with the network was lost. See DialUpEvent.
EvtHandler#evt_idle(meth = nil, &block): Process a EVT_IDLE event. See IdleEvent.
Category: Application and Process Management
Class Method Summary collapse
.get_mac_about_menu_itemid ⇒ Integer
(also: mac_about_menu_itemid)
Get the current menu item id for the About menu item.
.get_mac_exit_menu_itemid ⇒ Integer
(also: mac_exit_menu_itemid)
Get the current menu item id for the Exit menu item.
.get_mac_help_menu_title ⇒ String
(also: mac_help_menu_title)
Get the current title for the Help menu.
.get_mac_preferences_menu_itemid ⇒ Integer
(also: mac_preferences_menu_itemid)
Get the current menu item id for the Preferences menu item.
.get_mac_window_menu_title ⇒ String
(also: mac_window_menu_title)
Get the current title for the Window menu.
.get_main_top_window ⇒ Wx::Window
Returns a pointer to the top application window if any.
.gtk_suppress_diagnostics(flags = -1)) ⇒ void
Disables the printing of various GTK messages.
.is_main_loop_running ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if the main event loop is currently running, i.e.
.run(&block) ⇒ Integer
Convenience method to instantiate an application object of the class and call the #run method for that application object.
.set_mac_about_menu_itemid(id) ⇒ Object
(also: mac_about_menu_itemid=)
Set the menu item id for the About menu item.
.set_mac_exit_menu_itemid(id) ⇒ Object
(also: mac_exit_menu_itemid=)
Set the menu item id for the Exit menu item.
.set_mac_help_menu_title(title) ⇒ Object
(also: mac_help_menu_title=)
Set the menu title for the Help menu.
.set_mac_preferences_menu_itemid(id) ⇒ Object
(also: mac_preferences_menu_itemid=)
Set the menu item id for the Preferences menu item.
.set_mac_window_menu_title(title) ⇒ Object
(also: mac_window_menu_title=)
Set the menu title for the Window menu.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#delete_pending_events ⇒ void
Deletes the pending events of all EvtHandlers of this application.
#exit_main_loop ⇒ void
Call this to explicitly exit the main message (event) loop.
#filter_event(event) ⇒ Integer
Overridden EventFilter method.
#get_app_display_name ⇒ String
(also: #app_display_name)
Returns the user-readable application name.
#get_app_name ⇒ String
(also: #app_name)
Returns the application name.
#get_class_name ⇒ String
(also: #class_name)
Gets the class name of the application.
#get_exit_on_frame_delete ⇒ Boolean
(also: #exit_on_frame_delete)
Returns true if the application will exit when the top-level frame is deleted.
#get_layout_direction ⇒ Wx::LayoutDirection
(also: #layout_direction)
Return the layout direction for the current locale or LayoutDirection::Layout_Default if it’s unknown.
#get_top_window ⇒ Wx::Window
(also: #top_window)
Returns a pointer to the top window.
#get_traits ⇒ Wx::AppTraits
(also: #traits)
Returns a pointer to the AppTraits object for the application.
#get_use_best_visual ⇒ Boolean
(also: #use_best_visual)
Returns true if the application will use the best visual on systems that support different visuals, false otherwise.
#get_vendor_display_name ⇒ Wx::String
(also: #vendor_display_name)
Returns the user-readable vendor name.
#get_vendor_name ⇒ Wx::String
(also: #vendor_name)
Returns the application’s vendor name.
#has_pending_events ⇒ Boolean
(also: #has_pending_events?)
Returns true if there are pending events on the internal pending event list.
#initialize ⇒ Wx::App
#is_active ⇒ Boolean
(also: #active?)
Returns true if the application is active, i.e.
#mac_new_file ⇒ void
Called in response of an “open-application” Apple event.
#mac_open_files(fileNames) ⇒ void
Called in response of an openFiles message.
#mac_open_url(url) ⇒ void
Called in response of a “get-url” Apple event.
#mac_print_file(fileName) ⇒ void
Called in response of a “print-document” Apple event.
#mac_reopen_app ⇒ void
Called in response of a “reopen-application” Apple event.
#on_assert_failure(file, line, func, cond, msg) ⇒ void
This function is called when an assert failure occurs, i.e.
#osx_enable_automatic_tabbing(enable) ⇒ void
Enable the automatic tabbing features of macOS.
#osx_is_gui_application ⇒ Boolean
May be overridden to indicate that the application is not a foreground GUI application under macOS.
#process_pending_events ⇒ void
Process all pending events; it is necessary to call this function to process events posted with EvtHandler#queue_event or EvtHandler#add_pending_event.
#resume_processing_of_pending_events ⇒ void
Resume processing of the pending events previously stopped because of a call to #suspend_processing_of_pending_events.
#run(&block) ⇒ Integer
Run the (main loop for) the application instance.
#safe_yield(win, onlyIfNeeded) ⇒ Boolean
This function is similar to #yield, except that it disables the user input to all program windows before calling Wx::AppConsole::Yield and re-enables it again afterwards.
#safe_yield_for(win, eventsToProcess) ⇒ Boolean
Works like #safe_yield with onlyIfNeeded == true except that it allows the caller to specify a mask of events to be processed.
#set_app_display_name(name) ⇒ void
(also: #app_display_name=)
Set the application name to be used in the user-visible places such as window titles.
#set_app_name(name) ⇒ void
(also: #app_name=)
Sets the name of the application.
#set_c_locale ⇒ void
Sets the C locale to the default locale for the current environment.
#set_class_name(name) ⇒ void
(also: #class_name=)
Sets the class name of the application.
#set_error_exit_code(code) ⇒ void
(also: #error_exit_code=)
Sets the error code to use in case of exit on error.
#set_exit_on_frame_delete(flag) ⇒ void
(also: #exit_on_frame_delete=)
Allows the programmer to specify whether the application will exit when the top-level frame is deleted.
#set_native_theme(theme) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #native_theme=)
Allows runtime switching of the UI environment theme.
#set_top_window(window) ⇒ void
(also: #top_window=)
Sets the ‘top’ window.
#set_use_best_visual(flag, forceTrueColour = false) ⇒ void
(also: #use_best_visual=)
Allows the programmer to specify whether the application will use the best visual on systems that support several visual on the same display.
#set_vendor_display_name(name) ⇒ void
(also: #vendor_display_name=)
Set the vendor name to be used in the user-visible places.
#set_vendor_name(name) ⇒ void
(also: #vendor_name=)
Sets the name of application’s vendor.
#suspend_processing_of_pending_events ⇒ void
Temporary suspends processing of the pending events.
#uses_event_loop ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if the application is using an event loop.
#yield(onlyIfNeeded = false) ⇒ Boolean
Yields control to pending messages in the event loop.
Methods inherited from EvtHandler
add_filter, #add_pending_event, #call_after, clear_filters, #connect, #disconnect, #evt_activate, #evt_activate_app, #evt_aui_pane_activated, #evt_aui_pane_button, #evt_aui_pane_close, #evt_aui_pane_maximize, #evt_aui_pane_restore, #evt_aui_render, #evt_auinotebook_allow_dnd, #evt_auinotebook_begin_drag, #evt_auinotebook_bg_dclick, #evt_auinotebook_button, #evt_auinotebook_drag_done, #evt_auinotebook_drag_motion, #evt_auinotebook_end_drag, #evt_auinotebook_page_changed, #evt_auinotebook_page_changing, #evt_auinotebook_page_close, #evt_auinotebook_page_closed, #evt_auinotebook_tab_middle_down, #evt_auinotebook_tab_middle_up, #evt_auinotebook_tab_right_down, #evt_auinotebook_tab_right_up, #evt_auitoolbar_begin_drag, #evt_auitoolbar_middle_click, #evt_auitoolbar_overflow_click, #evt_auitoolbar_right_click, #evt_auitoolbar_tool_dropdown, #evt_button, #evt_calculate_layout, #evt_calendar, #evt_calendar_page_changed, #evt_calendar_sel_changed, #evt_calendar_week_clicked, #evt_calendar_weekday_clicked, #evt_char, #evt_char_hook, #evt_checkbox, #evt_checklistbox, #evt_child_focus, #evt_choice, #evt_choicebook_page_changed, #evt_choicebook_page_changing, #evt_close, #evt_collapsiblepane_changed, #evt_colourpicker_changed, #evt_colourpicker_current_changed, #evt_colourpicker_dialog_cancelled, #evt_combobox, #evt_combobox_closeup, #evt_combobox_dropdown, #evt_command, #evt_command_enter, #evt_command_kill_focus, #evt_command_left_click, #evt_command_left_dclick, #evt_command_range, #evt_command_right_click, #evt_command_scroll, #evt_command_scroll_bottom, #evt_command_scroll_changed, #evt_command_scroll_linedown, #evt_command_scroll_lineup, #evt_command_scroll_pagedown, #evt_command_scroll_pageup, #evt_command_scroll_thumbrelease, #evt_command_scroll_thumbtrack, #evt_command_scroll_top, #evt_command_set_focus, #evt_context_menu, #evt_date_changed, #evt_dialup_connected, #evt_dialup_disconnected, #evt_dirctrl_fileactivated, #evt_dirctrl_selectionchanged, #evt_dirpicker_changed, #evt_dpi_changed, #evt_drop_files, #evt_end_session, #evt_enter_window, #evt_erase_background, #evt_filectrl_fileactivated, #evt_filectrl_filterchanged, #evt_filectrl_folderchanged, #evt_filectrl_selectionchanged, #evt_filepicker_changed, #evt_find, #evt_find_close, #evt_find_next, #evt_find_replace, #evt_find_replace_all, #evt_fontpicker_changed, #evt_fullscreen, #evt_gesture_pan, #evt_gesture_rotate, #evt_gesture_zoom, #evt_grid_cell_changed, #evt_grid_cell_changing, #evt_grid_cell_left_click, #evt_grid_cell_left_dclick, #evt_grid_cell_right_click, #evt_grid_cell_right_dclick, #evt_grid_cmd_col_size, #evt_grid_cmd_editor_created, #evt_grid_cmd_range_selected, #evt_grid_cmd_range_selecting, #evt_grid_cmd_row_size, #evt_grid_col_auto_size, #evt_grid_col_move, #evt_grid_col_size, #evt_grid_col_sort, #evt_grid_editor_created, #evt_grid_editor_hidden, #evt_grid_editor_shown, #evt_grid_label_left_click, #evt_grid_label_left_dclick, #evt_grid_label_right_click, #evt_grid_label_right_dclick, #evt_grid_range_selected, #evt_grid_range_selecting, #evt_grid_row_auto_size, #evt_grid_row_move, #evt_grid_row_size, #evt_grid_select_cell, #evt_grid_tabbing, #evt_header_begin_reorder, #evt_header_begin_resize, #evt_header_click, #evt_header_dclick, #evt_header_dragging_cancelled, #evt_header_end_reorder, #evt_header_end_resize, #evt_header_middle_click, #evt_header_middle_dclick, #evt_header_resizing, #evt_header_right_click, #evt_header_right_dclick, #evt_header_separator_dclick, #evt_help, #evt_help_range, #evt_hibernate, #evt_hotkey, #evt_html_cell_clicked, #evt_html_cell_hover, #evt_html_link_clicked, #evt_hyperlink, #evt_iconize, #evt_idle, #evt_init_dialog, #evt_joy_button_down, #evt_joy_button_up, #evt_joy_move, #evt_joy_zmove, #evt_joystick_events, #evt_key_down, #evt_key_up, #evt_kill_focus, #evt_leave_window, #evt_left_dclick, #evt_left_down, #evt_left_up, #evt_list_begin_drag, #evt_list_begin_label_edit, #evt_list_begin_rdrag, #evt_list_cache_hint, #evt_list_col_begin_drag, #evt_list_col_click, #evt_list_col_dragging, #evt_list_col_end_drag, #evt_list_col_right_click, #evt_list_delete_all_items, #evt_list_delete_item, #evt_list_end_label_edit, #evt_list_insert_item, #evt_list_item_activated, #evt_list_item_checked, #evt_list_item_deselected, #evt_list_item_focused, #evt_list_item_middle_click, #evt_list_item_right_click, #evt_list_item_selected, #evt_list_item_unchecked, #evt_list_key_down, #evt_listbook_page_changed, #evt_listbook_page_changing, #evt_listbox, #evt_listbox_dclick, #evt_long_press, #evt_magnify, #evt_maximize, #evt_media_finished, #evt_media_loaded, #evt_media_pause, #evt_media_play, #evt_media_statechanged, #evt_media_stop, #evt_menu, #evt_menu_close, #evt_menu_highlight, #evt_menu_highlight_all, #evt_menu_open, #evt_menu_range, #evt_middle_dclick, #evt_middle_down, #evt_middle_up, #evt_motion, #evt_mouse_aux1_dclick, #evt_mouse_aux1_down, #evt_mouse_aux1_up, #evt_mouse_aux2_dclick, #evt_mouse_aux2_down, #evt_mouse_aux2_up, #evt_mouse_events, #evt_mousewheel, #evt_move, #evt_move_end, #evt_move_start, #evt_moving, #evt_navigation_key, #evt_notebook_page_changed, #evt_notebook_page_changing, #evt_paint, #evt_pg_changed, #evt_pg_changing, #evt_pg_col_begin_drag, #evt_pg_col_dragging, #evt_pg_col_end_drag, #evt_pg_double_click, #evt_pg_highlighted, #evt_pg_item_collapsed, #evt_pg_item_expanded, #evt_pg_label_edit_begin, #evt_pg_label_edit_ending, #evt_pg_page_changed, #evt_pg_right_click, #evt_pg_selected, #evt_press_and_tap, #evt_query_end_session, #evt_query_layout_info, #evt_radiobox, #evt_radiobutton, #evt_ribbonbar_help_click, #evt_ribbonbar_page_changed, #evt_ribbonbar_page_changing, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_left_dclick, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_middle_down, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_middle_up, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_right_down, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_right_up, #evt_ribbonbar_toggled, #evt_ribbonbuttonbar_clicked, #evt_ribbonbuttonbar_dropdown_clicked, #evt_ribbongallery_clicked, #evt_ribbongallery_hover_changed, #evt_ribbongallery_selected, #evt_ribbonpanel_extbutton_activated, #evt_ribbontoolbar_clicked, #evt_ribbontoolbar_dropdown_clicked, #evt_richtext_buffer_reset, #evt_richtext_character, #evt_richtext_consuming_character, #evt_richtext_content_deleted, #evt_richtext_content_inserted, #evt_richtext_delete, #evt_richtext_focus_object_changed, #evt_richtext_left_click, #evt_richtext_left_dclick, #evt_richtext_middle_click, #evt_richtext_properties_changed, #evt_richtext_return, #evt_richtext_right_click, #evt_richtext_selection_changed, #evt_richtext_style_changed, #evt_richtext_stylesheet_changed, #evt_richtext_stylesheet_replaced, #evt_richtext_stylesheet_replacing, #evt_right_dclick, #evt_right_down, #evt_right_up, #evt_sash_dragged, #evt_sash_dragged_range, #evt_scroll, #evt_scroll_bottom, #evt_scroll_changed, #evt_scroll_linedown, #evt_scroll_lineup, #evt_scroll_pagedown, #evt_scroll_pageup, #evt_scroll_thumbrelease, #evt_scroll_thumbtrack, #evt_scroll_top, #evt_scrollbar, #evt_scrollwin, #evt_scrollwin_bottom, #evt_scrollwin_linedown, #evt_scrollwin_lineup, #evt_scrollwin_pagedown, #evt_scrollwin_pageup, #evt_scrollwin_thumbrelease, #evt_scrollwin_thumbtrack, #evt_scrollwin_top, #evt_search, #evt_search_cancel, #evt_set_cursor, #evt_set_focus, #evt_show, #evt_size, #evt_slider, #evt_spin, #evt_spin_down, #evt_spin_up, #evt_spinctrl, #evt_spinctrldouble, #evt_splitter_dclick, #evt_splitter_sash_pos_changed, #evt_splitter_sash_pos_changing, #evt_splitter_sash_pos_resize, #evt_splitter_unsplit, #evt_stc_autocomp_cancelled, #evt_stc_autocomp_char_deleted, #evt_stc_autocomp_completed, #evt_stc_autocomp_selection, #evt_stc_autocomp_selection_change, #evt_stc_calltip_click, #evt_stc_change, #evt_stc_charadded, #evt_stc_clipboard_copy, #evt_stc_clipboard_paste, #evt_stc_do_drop, #evt_stc_doubleclick, #evt_stc_drag_over, #evt_stc_dwellend, #evt_stc_dwellstart, #evt_stc_hotspot_click, #evt_stc_hotspot_dclick, #evt_stc_hotspot_release_click, #evt_stc_indicator_click, #evt_stc_indicator_release, #evt_stc_macrorecord, #evt_stc_margin_right_click, #evt_stc_marginclick, #evt_stc_modified, #evt_stc_needshown, #evt_stc_painted, #evt_stc_romodifyattempt, #evt_stc_savepointleft, #evt_stc_savepointreached, #evt_stc_start_drag, #evt_stc_styleneeded, #evt_stc_updateui, #evt_stc_userlistselection, #evt_stc_zoom, #evt_sys_colour_changed, #evt_taskbar_click, #evt_taskbar_left_dclick, #evt_taskbar_left_down, #evt_taskbar_left_up, #evt_taskbar_move, #evt_taskbar_right_dclick, #evt_taskbar_right_down, #evt_taskbar_right_up, #evt_text, #evt_text_copy, #evt_text_cut, #evt_text_enter, #evt_text_maxlen, #evt_text_paste, #evt_text_url, #evt_time_changed, #evt_timer, #evt_togglebutton, #evt_tool, #evt_tool_dropdown, #evt_tool_enter, #evt_tool_range, #evt_tool_rclicked, #evt_tool_rclicked_range, #evt_toolbook_page_changed, #evt_toolbook_page_changing, #evt_tree_begin_drag, #evt_tree_begin_label_edit, #evt_tree_begin_rdrag, #evt_tree_delete_item, #evt_tree_end_drag, #evt_tree_end_label_edit, #evt_tree_get_info, #evt_tree_item_activated, #evt_tree_item_collapsed, #evt_tree_item_collapsing, #evt_tree_item_expanded, #evt_tree_item_expanding, #evt_tree_item_gettooltip, #evt_tree_item_menu, #evt_tree_item_middle_click, #evt_tree_item_right_click, #evt_tree_key_down, #evt_tree_sel_changed, #evt_tree_sel_changing, #evt_tree_set_info, #evt_tree_state_image_click, #evt_treebook_node_collapsed, #evt_treebook_node_expanded, #evt_treebook_page_changed, #evt_treebook_page_changing, #evt_two_finger_tap, #evt_update_ui, #evt_update_ui_range, #evt_window_create, #evt_window_destroy, #evt_wizard_before_page_changed, #evt_wizard_cancel, #evt_wizard_finished, #evt_wizard_help, #evt_wizard_page_changed, #evt_wizard_page_changing, #evt_wizard_page_shown, #get_client_object, #get_evt_handler_enabled, #get_next_handler, #get_previous_handler, #is_unlinked, #process_event, #process_event_locally, #queue_event, register_class, remove_filter, #safely_process_event, #set_client_object, #set_evt_handler_enabled, #set_next_handler, #try_after, #try_before, #unlink
Methods inherited from Object
#clone, #dup, #is_same_as, #un_share
Constructor Details
Class Method Details
.get_mac_about_menu_itemid ⇒ Integer Also known as:
Get the current menu item id for the About menu item. Default is ID_ABOUT
41 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/app.rb', line 41 def ; end |
.get_mac_exit_menu_itemid ⇒ Integer Also known as:
Get the current menu item id for the Exit menu item. Default is ID_EXIT
73 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/app.rb', line 73 def ; end |
.get_mac_help_menu_title ⇒ String Also known as:
Get the current title for the Help menu. Default is ‘&Help’
89 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/app.rb', line 89 def ; end |
.get_mac_preferences_menu_itemid ⇒ Integer Also known as:
Get the current menu item id for the Preferences menu item. Default is ID_PREFERENCES
57 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/app.rb', line 57 def ; end |
.get_mac_window_menu_title ⇒ String Also known as:
Get the current title for the Window menu. Default is ‘&Window’
105 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/app.rb', line 105 def ; end |
.get_main_top_window ⇒ Wx::Window
Returns a pointer to the top application window if any.
This function is safe to call even before creating, or after destroying, the application object, as it simply returns NULL if it doesn’t exist. Otherwise it’s equivalent to calling wxTheApp->get_top_window
227 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 227 def self.get_main_top_window; end |
.gtk_suppress_diagnostics(flags = -1)) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Disables the printing of various GTK messages.
This function can be called to suppress GTK diagnostic messages that are output on the standard error stream by default. The default value of the argument disables all messages, but you can pass in a mask flag to specifically disable only particular categories of messages. Note that this function only works when using glib 2.50 (released in September 2016) or later and does nothing with the older versions of the library.
Availability: only available for the WXGTK port.
115 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 115 def self.gtk_suppress_diagnostics(flags=-1) end |
.is_main_loop_running ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if the main event loop is currently running, i.e. if the application is inside on_run.
This can be useful to test whether events can be dispatched. For example, if this function returns false, non-blocking sockets cannot be used because the events from them would never be processed.
421 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 421 def self.is_main_loop_running; end |
.run(&block) ⇒ Integer
Convenience method to instantiate an application object of the class and call the #run method for that application object.
24 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/app.rb', line 24 def end |
.set_mac_about_menu_itemid(id) ⇒ Object Also known as:
Set the menu item id for the About menu item. Default is ID_ABOUT. Setting to ID_NONE will disable moving the About item to the Application menu.
33 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/app.rb', line 33 def (id) end |
.set_mac_exit_menu_itemid(id) ⇒ Object Also known as:
Set the menu item id for the Exit menu item. Default is ID_EXIT. Setting to ID_NONE will disable hiding the exit item. Standard item will still be added to Application menu.
65 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/app.rb', line 65 def (id) end |
.set_mac_help_menu_title(title) ⇒ Object Also known as:
Set the menu title for the Help menu. Default is ‘&Help’
81 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/app.rb', line 81 def (title) end |
.set_mac_preferences_menu_itemid(id) ⇒ Object Also known as:
Set the menu item id for the Preferences menu item. Default is ID_PREFERENCES
49 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/app.rb', line 49 def (id) end |
.set_mac_window_menu_title(title) ⇒ Object Also known as:
Set the menu title for the Window menu. Default is ‘&Window’
97 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/app.rb', line 97 def (title) end |
Instance Method Details
#delete_pending_events ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Deletes the pending events of all EvtHandlers of this application.
See EvtHandler#delete_pending_events for warnings about deleting the pending events.
263 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 263 def delete_pending_events; end |
#exit_main_loop ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Call this to explicitly exit the main message (event) loop.
You should normally exit the main loop (and the application) by deleting the top window. This function simply calls Wx::EvtLoopBase#exit on the active loop.
234 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 234 def exit_main_loop; end |
#filter_event(event) ⇒ Integer
Overridden EventFilter method.
This function is called before processing any event and allows the application to preempt the processing of some events, see EventFilter documentation for more information. Wx::App implementation of this method always return -1 indicating that the event should be processed normally.
242 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 242 def filter_event(event) end |
#get_app_display_name ⇒ String Also known as: app_display_name
Returns the user-readable application name.
The difference between this string and the one returned by #get_app_name is that this one is meant to be shown to the user and so should be used for the window titles, page headers and so on while the other one should be only used internally, e.g. for the file names or configuration file keys. If the application name for display had been previously set by #set_app_display_name, it will be returned by this function. Otherwise, if #set_app_name had been called its value will be returned; also as is. Finally if none was called, this function returns the program name capitalized using Wx::String#capitalize.
299 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 299 def get_app_display_name; end |
#get_app_name ⇒ String Also known as: app_name
Returns the application name.
If #set_app_name had been called, returns the string passed to it. Otherwise returns the program name, i.e. the value of argv passed to the main()
307 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 307 def get_app_name; end |
#get_class_name ⇒ String Also known as: class_name
Gets the class name of the application.
The class name may be used in a platform specific manner to refer to the application.
315 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 315 def get_class_name; end |
#get_exit_on_frame_delete ⇒ Boolean Also known as: exit_on_frame_delete
Returns true if the application will exit when the top-level frame is deleted.
128 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 128 def get_exit_on_frame_delete; end |
#get_layout_direction ⇒ Wx::LayoutDirection Also known as: layout_direction
Return the layout direction for the current locale or LayoutDirection::Layout_Default if it’s unknown.
133 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 133 def get_layout_direction; end |
#get_top_window ⇒ Wx::Window Also known as: top_window
Returns a pointer to the top window.
If the top window hasn't been set using #set_top_window, this function will find the first top-level window (frame or dialog or instance of TopLevelWindow) from the internal top level window list and return that.
153 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 153 def get_top_window; end |
#get_traits ⇒ Wx::AppTraits Also known as: traits
Returns a pointer to the Wx::AppTraits object for the application.
If you want to customize the Wx::AppTraits object, you must override the create_traits function.
322 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 322 def get_traits; end |
#get_use_best_visual ⇒ Boolean Also known as: use_best_visual
Returns true if the application will use the best visual on systems that support different visuals, false otherwise.
141 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 141 def get_use_best_visual; end |
#get_vendor_display_name ⇒ Wx::String Also known as: vendor_display_name
Returns the user-readable vendor name.
The difference between this string and the one returned by #get_vendor_name is that this one is meant to be shown to the user and so should be used for the window titles, page headers and so on while the other one should be only used internally, e.g. for the file names or configuration file keys. By default, returns the same string as #get_vendor_name.
330 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 330 def get_vendor_display_name; end |
#get_vendor_name ⇒ Wx::String Also known as: vendor_name
Returns the application’s vendor name.
335 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 335 def get_vendor_name; end |
#has_pending_events ⇒ Boolean Also known as: has_pending_events?
Returns true if there are pending events on the internal pending event list.
Whenever EvtHandler#queue_event or EvtHandler#add_pending_event are called (not only for Wx::App itself, but for any event handler of the application!), the internal Wx::App‘s list of handlers with pending events is updated and this function will return true.
269 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 269 def has_pending_events; end |
#is_active ⇒ Boolean Also known as: active?
Returns true if the application is active, i.e. if one of its windows is currently in the foreground.
If this function returns false and you need to attract users attention to the application, you may use TopLevelWindow#request_user_attention to do it.
160 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 160 def is_active; end |
#mac_new_file ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Called in response of an “open-application” Apple event.
Override this to create a new document in your app. Availability: only available for the WXOSX/Cocoa port.
46 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 46 def mac_new_file; end |
#mac_open_files(fileNames) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Called in response of an openFiles message.
You need to override this method in order to open one or more document files after the user double clicked on it or if the files and/or folders were dropped on either the application in the dock or the application icon in Finder. By default this method calls MacOpenFile for each file/folder. Availability: only available for the WXOSX/Cocoa port.
56 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 56 def mac_open_files(fileNames) end |
#mac_open_url(url) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Called in response of a “get-url” Apple event.
Availability: only available for the WXOSX/Cocoa port.
64 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 64 def mac_open_url(url) end |
#mac_print_file(fileName) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Called in response of a “print-document” Apple event.
Availability: only available for the WXOSX/Cocoa port.
72 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 72 def mac_print_file(fileName) end |
#mac_reopen_app ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Called in response of a “reopen-application” Apple event.
Availability: only available for the WXOSX/Cocoa port.
79 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 79 def mac_reopen_app; end |
#on_assert_failure(file, line, func, cond, msg) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
This function is called when an assert failure occurs, i.e. the condition specified in assert macro evaluated to false.
It is only called in debug mode (when WXDEBUG is defined) as asserts are not left in the release code at all. The base class version shows the default assert failure dialog box proposing to the user to stop the program, continue or ignore all subsequent asserts.
292 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 292 def on_assert_failure(file, line, func, cond, msg) end |
#osx_enable_automatic_tabbing(enable) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Enable the automatic tabbing features of macOS.
This feature is native to the operating system. When it is enabled, macOS will automatically place windows inside tabs and show a tab bar in the application. Entries are also added to the View menu to show/hide the tab bar. Availability: only available for the WXOSX/Cocoa port.
Requires macOS 10.12+, does nothing under earlier OS versions.
103 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 103 def osx_enable_automatic_tabbing(enable) end |
#osx_is_gui_application ⇒ Boolean
May be overridden to indicate that the application is not a foreground GUI application under macOS.
This method is called during the application startup and returns true by default. In this case, wxWidgets ensures that the application is ran as a foreground, GUI application so that the user can interact with it normally, even if it is not bundled. If this is undesired, i.e. if the application doesn’t need to be brought to the foreground, this method can be overridden to return false. Notice that overriding it doesn’t make any difference for the bundled applications which are always foreground unless LSBackgroundOnly key is specified in the Info.plist file. Availability: only available for the WXOSX/Cocoa port.
88 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 88 def osx_is_gui_application; end |
#process_pending_events ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Process all pending events; it is necessary to call this function to process events posted with EvtHandler#queue_event or EvtHandler#add_pending_event.
This happens during each event loop iteration (see EventLoopBase) in GUI mode but it may be also called directly. Note that this function does not only process the pending events for the Wx::App object itself (which derives from EvtHandler) but also the pending events for any event handler of this application. This function will immediately return and do nothing if #suspend_processing_of_pending_events was called.
257 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 257 def process_pending_events; end |
#resume_processing_of_pending_events ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Resume processing of the pending events previously stopped because of a call to #suspend_processing_of_pending_events.
281 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 281 def resume_processing_of_pending_events; end |
#run(&block) ⇒ Integer
Run the (main loop for) the application instance. Optionally runs a given block as the applications #on_init callback if no actual #on_init method has been defined. A given block will be ignored if an actual #on_init method has been defined.
18 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/app.rb', line 18 def run(&block) end |
#safe_yield(win, onlyIfNeeded) ⇒ Boolean
This function is similar to #yield, except that it disables the user input to all program windows before calling Wx::AppConsole::Yield and re-enables it again afterwards.
If win is not NULL, this window will remain enabled, allowing the implementation of some limited user interaction. Returns the result of the call to Wx::AppConsole::Yield.
170 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 170 def safe_yield(win, onlyIfNeeded) end |
#safe_yield_for(win, eventsToProcess) ⇒ Boolean
Works like #safe_yield with onlyIfNeeded == true except that it allows the caller to specify a mask of events to be processed.
See Wx::EventLoopBase#yield_for for more info.
178 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 178 def safe_yield_for(win, eventsToProcess) end |
#set_app_display_name(name) ⇒ void Also known as: app_display_name=
This method returns an undefined value.
Set the application name to be used in the user-visible places such as window titles.
See #get_app_display_name for more about the differences between the display name and name. Notice that if this function is called, the name is used as is, without any capitalization as done by default by #get_app_display_name.
344 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 344 def set_app_display_name(name) end |
#set_app_name(name) ⇒ void Also known as: app_name=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the name of the application.
This name should be used for file names, configuration file entries and other internal strings. For the user-visible strings, such as the window titles, the application display name set by #set_app_display_name is used instead. By default the application name is set to the name of its executable file.
354 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 354 def set_app_name(name) end |
#set_c_locale ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the C locale to the default locale for the current environment.
It is advised to call this to ensure that the underlying toolkit uses the locale in which the numbers and monetary amounts are shown in the format expected by user and so on. Calling this function is roughly equivalent to calling
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
but performs additional toolkit-specific tasks under some platforms and so should be used instead of setlocale()
itself. Alternatively, you can use Locale to change the locale with more control. Notice that this does not change the global C++ locale, you need to do it explicitly if you want, e.g.
but be warned that locale support in C++ standard library can be poor or worse under some platforms.
405 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 405 def set_c_locale; end |
#set_class_name(name) ⇒ void Also known as: class_name=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the class name of the application.
This may be used in a platform specific manner to refer to the application.
363 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 363 def set_class_name(name) end |
#set_error_exit_code(code) ⇒ void Also known as: error_exit_code=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the error code to use in case of exit on error.
This function is mostly useful to customize the error code returned by the application when it exits due to on_init returning false and can be called from on_init itself or other virtual functions called from it, for example on_cmd_line_error. By default, the exit code depends on the compiler being used, e.g. it is 255 with typical Unix compilers (gcc, clang) and 127 with MSVC, so it is recommended to call this function to set a consistent exit code, e.g. 2 which is a de facto standard exit code if command line parsing fails. #set_error_exit_code can be overridden by the application to perform additional actions, but the overridden version should call the base class version to update the value returned by GetErrorExitCode() and actually used when exiting the application.
414 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 414 def set_error_exit_code(code) end |
#set_exit_on_frame_delete(flag) ⇒ void Also known as: exit_on_frame_delete=
This method returns an undefined value.
Allows the programmer to specify whether the application will exit when the top-level frame is deleted.
187 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 187 def set_exit_on_frame_delete(flag) end |
#set_native_theme(theme) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: native_theme=
Allows runtime switching of the UI environment theme.
Currently implemented for WXGTK2-only. Return true if theme was successfully changed.
195 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 195 def set_native_theme(theme) end |
#set_top_window(window) ⇒ void Also known as: top_window=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the ‘top’ window.
You can call this from within on_init to let wxWidgets know which is the main window. You don’t have to set the top window; it is only a convenience so that (for example) certain dialogs without parents can use a specific window as the top window. If no top window is specified by the application, wxWidgets just uses the first frame or dialog (or better, any TopLevelWindow) in its top-level window list, when it needs to use the top window. If you previously called #set_top_window and now you need to restore this automatic behaviour you can call
210 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 210 def set_top_window(window) end |
#set_use_best_visual(flag, forceTrueColour = false) ⇒ void Also known as: use_best_visual=
This method returns an undefined value.
Allows the programmer to specify whether the application will use the best visual on systems that support several visual on the same display.
This is typically the case under Solaris and IRIX, where the default visual is only 8-bit whereas certain applications are supposed to run in TrueColour mode. Note that this function has to be called in the constructor of the Wx::App instance and won’t have any effect when called later on. This function currently only has effect under GTK.
220 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 220 def set_use_best_visual(flag, forceTrueColour=false) end |
#set_vendor_display_name(name) ⇒ void Also known as: vendor_display_name=
This method returns an undefined value.
Set the vendor name to be used in the user-visible places.
See #get_vendor_display_name for more about the differences between the display name and name.
371 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 371 def set_vendor_display_name(name) end |
#set_vendor_name(name) ⇒ void Also known as: vendor_name=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the name of application’s vendor.
The name will be used in registry access. A default name is set by wxWidgets.
380 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 380 def set_vendor_name(name) end |
#suspend_processing_of_pending_events ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Temporary suspends processing of the pending events.
277 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 277 def suspend_processing_of_pending_events; end |
#uses_event_loop ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if the application is using an event loop.
This function always returns true for the GUI applications which must use an event loop but by default only returns true for the console programs if an event loop is already running as it can’t know whether one will be created in the future. Thus, it only makes sense to override it in console applications which do use an event loop, to return true instead of checking if there is a currently active event loop.
249 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 249 def uses_event_loop; end |
#yield(onlyIfNeeded = false) ⇒ Boolean
Yields control to pending messages in the event loop.
This method is a convenient wrapper for Wx::EvtLoopBase#yield. If the main loop is currently running, it calls this method on it. Otherwise it creates a temporary event loop and uses it instead, which can be useful to process pending messages during the program startup, before the main loop is created. Use extreme caution when calling this function as, just as Wx::EvtLoopBase#yield, it can result in unexpected reentrances.
389 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/app.rb', line 389 def yield(onlyIfNeeded=false) end |