Class: Wx::HTML::SimpleHtmlListBox

HtmlListBox show all
Defined in:


SimpleHtmlListBox is an implementation of HtmlListBox which shows HTML content in the listbox rows.

Unlike HtmlListBox, this is not an abstract class and thus it has the advantage that you can use it without deriving your own class from it. However, it also has the disadvantage that this is not a virtual control and thus it’s not well-suited for those cases where you need to show a huge number of items: every time you add/insert a string, it will be stored internally and thus will take memory. The interface exposed by SimpleHtmlListBox fully implements the ControlWithItems interface, thus you should refer to ControlWithItems‘s documentation for the API reference for adding/removing/retrieving items in the listbox. Also note that the VListBox#set_item_count function is protected in SimpleHtmlListBox’s context so that you cannot call it directly, SimpleHtmlListBox will do it for you. Note: in case you need to append a lot of items to the control at once, make sure to use the Append(const wxArrayString&) function. Thus the only difference between a ListBox and a SimpleHtmlListBox is that the latter stores strings which can contain HTML fragments (see the list of tags supported by wxHTML). Note that the HTML strings you fetch to SimpleHtmlListBox should not contain the <html> or <body> tags.


This class supports the following styles:

A SimpleHtmlListBox emits the same events used by ListBox and by HtmlListBox.

Events emitted by this class

Event handler methods for events emitted by this class:

Category: Controls <div class=‘appearance’><span class=‘appearance’>Appearance:</span><table class=‘appearance’><tr><td> Generic Appearance </td></tr></table></div>

See Also:



Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from HtmlListBox

#get_selected_text_bg_colour, #get_selected_text_colour, #on_get_item, #on_get_item_markup, #on_link_clicked

Methods inherited from VListBox

#clear, #deselect_all, #each_selected, #get_item_count, #get_item_rect, #get_margins, #get_selected_count, #get_selection, #get_selection_background, #has_multiple_selection, #is_current, #is_selected, #on_draw_background, #on_draw_item, #on_draw_separator, #on_measure_item, #select, #select_all, #select_range, #set_item_count, #set_margins, #set_selection, #set_selection_background, #toggle

Methods inherited from VScrolledWindow

#calc_scrolled_position, #calc_unscrolled_position, #enable_physical_scrolling, #get_row_count, #get_target_window, #get_visible_begin, #get_visible_end, #get_visible_rows_begin, #get_visible_rows_end, #is_row_visible, #is_visible, #refresh_all, #refresh_row, #refresh_rows, #scroll_row_pages, #scroll_rows, #scroll_to_row, #set_row_count, #set_target_window, #update_scrollbar, #virtual_hit_test

Methods inherited from Panel

#accepts_focus, #init_dialog, #layout, #on_sys_colour_changed, #set_focus, #set_focus_ignoring_children

Methods inherited from Window

#accepts_focus, #accepts_focus_from_keyboard, #accepts_focus_recursively, #add_child, #adjust_for_layout_direction, #always_show_scrollbars, #begin_repositioning_children, #cache_best_size, #can_accept_focus, #can_accept_focus_from_keyboard, #can_scroll, #can_set_transparent, #capture_mouse, #center, #center_on_parent, #centre, #centre_on_parent, #clear_background, #client_to_screen, #client_to_window_size, #close, #convert_dialog_to_pixels, #convert_pixels_to_dialog, #destroy, #destroy_children, #disable, #disable_focus_from_keyboard, #do_update_window_ui, #drag_accept_files, #each_child, #enable, #enable_touch_events, #enable_visible_focus, #end_repositioning_children, find_focus, #find_window_by_id, find_window_by_id, #find_window_by_label, find_window_by_label, #find_window_by_name, find_window_by_name, #fit, #fit_inside, #freeze, #from_dip, from_dip, #from_phys, from_phys, #get_accelerator_table, #get_auto_layout, #get_background_colour, #get_background_style, #get_best_height, #get_best_size, #get_best_virtual_size, #get_best_width, #get_border, get_capture, #get_caret, #get_char_height, #get_char_width, #get_children, get_class_default_attributes, #get_client_area_origin, #get_client_rect, #get_client_size, #get_containing_sizer, #get_content_scale_factor, #get_cursor, #get_default_attributes, #get_dpi, #get_dpi_scale_factor, #get_drop_target, #get_effective_min_size, #get_event_handler, #get_extra_style, #get_font, #get_foreground_colour, #get_grand_parent, #get_help_text, #get_help_text_at_point, #get_id, #get_label, #get_layout_direction, #get_max_client_size, #get_max_height, #get_max_size, #get_max_width, #get_min_client_size, #get_min_height, #get_min_size, #get_min_width, #get_name, #get_next_sibling, #get_parent, #get_popup_menu_selection_from_user, #get_position, #get_prev_sibling, #get_rect, #get_screen_position, #get_screen_rect, #get_scroll_pos, #get_scroll_range, #get_scroll_thumb, #get_size, #get_sizer, #get_text_extent, #get_theme_enabled, #get_tool_tip, #get_tool_tip_text, #get_update_client_rect, #get_update_region, #get_validator, #get_virtual_size, #get_window_border_size, #get_window_style, #get_window_style_flag, #get_window_variant, #handle_as_navigation_key, #handle_window_event, #has_capture, #has_extra_style, #has_flag, #has_focus, #has_multiple_pages, #has_scrollbar, #has_transparent_background, #hide, #hide_with_effect, #hit_test, #inform_first_direction, #inherit_attributes, #inherits_background_colour, #inherits_foreground_colour, #init_dialog, #invalidate_best_size, #is_being_deleted, #is_descendant, #is_double_buffered, #is_enabled, #is_exposed, #is_focusable, #is_frozen, #is_retained, #is_scrollbar_always_shown, #is_shown, #is_shown_on_screen, #is_this_enabled, #is_top_level, #is_transparent_background_supported, #layout, #line_down, #line_up, #locked, #lower_window, #move, #move_after_in_tab_order, #move_before_in_tab_order, #navigate, #navigate_in, new_control_id, #on_internal_idle, #page_down, #page_up, #paint, #paint_buffered, #pop_event_handler, #popup_menu, #post_size_event, #post_size_event_to_parent, #process_window_event, #process_window_event_locally, #push_event_handler, #raise_window, #refresh, #refresh_rect, #register_hot_key, #release_mouse, #remove_child, #remove_event_handler, #reparent, #screen_to_client, #scroll_lines, #scroll_pages, #scroll_window, #send_size_event, #send_size_event_to_parent, #set_accelerator_table, #set_auto_layout, #set_background_colour, #set_background_style, #set_can_focus, #set_caret, #set_client_size, #set_containing_sizer, #set_cursor, #set_double_buffered, #set_drop_target, #set_event_handler, #set_extra_style, #set_focus, #set_focus_from_kbd, #set_font, #set_foreground_colour, #set_help_text, #set_id, #set_initial_size, #set_label, #set_layout_direction, #set_max_client_size, #set_max_size, #set_min_client_size, #set_min_size, #set_name, #set_next_handler, #set_own_background_colour, #set_own_font, #set_own_foreground_colour, #set_position, #set_previous_handler, #set_scroll_pos, #set_scrollbar, #set_size, #set_size_hints, #set_sizer, #set_sizer_and_fit, #set_theme_enabled, #set_tool_tip, #set_transparent, #set_validator, #set_virtual_size, #set_window_style, #set_window_style_flag, #set_window_variant, #should_inherit_colours, #show, #show_with_effect, #switch_sizer, #thaw, #to_dip, to_dip, #to_phys, to_phys, #toggle_window_style, #transfer_data_from_window, #transfer_data_to_window, #unregister_hot_key, unreserve_control_id, #unset_tool_tip, #update, #update_window_ui, #use_background_colour, #use_bg_col, #use_foreground_colour, #validate, #warp_pointer, #window_to_client_size

Methods inherited from EvtHandler

add_filter, #add_pending_event, #call_after, clear_filters, #connect, #delete_pending_events, #disconnect, #evt_activate, #evt_activate_app, #evt_aui_pane_activated, #evt_aui_pane_button, #evt_aui_pane_close, #evt_aui_pane_maximize, #evt_aui_pane_restore, #evt_aui_render, #evt_auinotebook_allow_dnd, #evt_auinotebook_begin_drag, #evt_auinotebook_bg_dclick, #evt_auinotebook_button, #evt_auinotebook_drag_done, #evt_auinotebook_drag_motion, #evt_auinotebook_end_drag, #evt_auinotebook_page_changed, #evt_auinotebook_page_changing, #evt_auinotebook_page_close, #evt_auinotebook_page_closed, #evt_auinotebook_tab_middle_down, #evt_auinotebook_tab_middle_up, #evt_auinotebook_tab_right_down, #evt_auinotebook_tab_right_up, #evt_auitoolbar_begin_drag, #evt_auitoolbar_middle_click, #evt_auitoolbar_overflow_click, #evt_auitoolbar_right_click, #evt_auitoolbar_tool_dropdown, #evt_button, #evt_calculate_layout, #evt_calendar, #evt_calendar_page_changed, #evt_calendar_sel_changed, #evt_calendar_week_clicked, #evt_calendar_weekday_clicked, #evt_char, #evt_char_hook, #evt_checkbox, #evt_checklistbox, #evt_child_focus, #evt_choice, #evt_choicebook_page_changed, #evt_choicebook_page_changing, #evt_close, #evt_collapsiblepane_changed, #evt_colourpicker_changed, #evt_colourpicker_current_changed, #evt_colourpicker_dialog_cancelled, #evt_combobox, #evt_combobox_closeup, #evt_combobox_dropdown, #evt_command, #evt_command_enter, #evt_command_kill_focus, #evt_command_left_click, #evt_command_left_dclick, #evt_command_range, #evt_command_right_click, #evt_command_scroll, #evt_command_scroll_bottom, #evt_command_scroll_changed, #evt_command_scroll_linedown, #evt_command_scroll_lineup, #evt_command_scroll_pagedown, #evt_command_scroll_pageup, #evt_command_scroll_thumbrelease, #evt_command_scroll_thumbtrack, #evt_command_scroll_top, #evt_command_set_focus, #evt_context_menu, #evt_date_changed, #evt_dialup_connected, #evt_dialup_disconnected, #evt_dirctrl_fileactivated, #evt_dirctrl_selectionchanged, #evt_dirpicker_changed, #evt_dpi_changed, #evt_drop_files, #evt_end_session, #evt_enter_window, #evt_erase_background, #evt_filectrl_fileactivated, #evt_filectrl_filterchanged, #evt_filectrl_folderchanged, #evt_filectrl_selectionchanged, #evt_filepicker_changed, #evt_find, #evt_find_close, #evt_find_next, #evt_find_replace, #evt_find_replace_all, #evt_fontpicker_changed, #evt_fullscreen, #evt_gesture_pan, #evt_gesture_rotate, #evt_gesture_zoom, #evt_grid_cell_changed, #evt_grid_cell_changing, #evt_grid_cell_left_click, #evt_grid_cell_left_dclick, #evt_grid_cell_right_click, #evt_grid_cell_right_dclick, #evt_grid_cmd_col_size, #evt_grid_cmd_editor_created, #evt_grid_cmd_range_selected, #evt_grid_cmd_range_selecting, #evt_grid_cmd_row_size, #evt_grid_col_auto_size, #evt_grid_col_move, #evt_grid_col_size, #evt_grid_col_sort, #evt_grid_editor_created, #evt_grid_editor_hidden, #evt_grid_editor_shown, #evt_grid_label_left_click, #evt_grid_label_left_dclick, #evt_grid_label_right_click, #evt_grid_label_right_dclick, #evt_grid_range_selected, #evt_grid_range_selecting, #evt_grid_row_auto_size, #evt_grid_row_move, #evt_grid_row_size, #evt_grid_select_cell, #evt_grid_tabbing, #evt_header_begin_reorder, #evt_header_begin_resize, #evt_header_click, #evt_header_dclick, #evt_header_dragging_cancelled, #evt_header_end_reorder, #evt_header_end_resize, #evt_header_middle_click, #evt_header_middle_dclick, #evt_header_resizing, #evt_header_right_click, #evt_header_right_dclick, #evt_header_separator_dclick, #evt_help, #evt_help_range, #evt_hibernate, #evt_hotkey, #evt_html_cell_clicked, #evt_html_cell_hover, #evt_html_link_clicked, #evt_hyperlink, #evt_iconize, #evt_idle, #evt_init_dialog, #evt_joy_button_down, #evt_joy_button_up, #evt_joy_move, #evt_joy_zmove, #evt_joystick_events, #evt_key_down, #evt_key_up, #evt_kill_focus, #evt_leave_window, #evt_left_dclick, #evt_left_down, #evt_left_up, #evt_list_begin_drag, #evt_list_begin_label_edit, #evt_list_begin_rdrag, #evt_list_cache_hint, #evt_list_col_begin_drag, #evt_list_col_click, #evt_list_col_dragging, #evt_list_col_end_drag, #evt_list_col_right_click, #evt_list_delete_all_items, #evt_list_delete_item, #evt_list_end_label_edit, #evt_list_insert_item, #evt_list_item_activated, #evt_list_item_checked, #evt_list_item_deselected, #evt_list_item_focused, #evt_list_item_middle_click, #evt_list_item_right_click, #evt_list_item_selected, #evt_list_item_unchecked, #evt_list_key_down, #evt_listbook_page_changed, #evt_listbook_page_changing, #evt_listbox, #evt_listbox_dclick, #evt_long_press, #evt_magnify, #evt_maximize, #evt_media_finished, #evt_media_loaded, #evt_media_pause, #evt_media_play, #evt_media_statechanged, #evt_media_stop, #evt_menu, #evt_menu_close, #evt_menu_highlight, #evt_menu_highlight_all, #evt_menu_open, #evt_menu_range, #evt_middle_dclick, #evt_middle_down, #evt_middle_up, #evt_motion, #evt_mouse_aux1_dclick, #evt_mouse_aux1_down, #evt_mouse_aux1_up, #evt_mouse_aux2_dclick, #evt_mouse_aux2_down, #evt_mouse_aux2_up, #evt_mouse_events, #evt_mousewheel, #evt_move, #evt_move_end, #evt_move_start, #evt_moving, #evt_navigation_key, #evt_notebook_page_changed, #evt_notebook_page_changing, #evt_paint, #evt_pg_changed, #evt_pg_changing, #evt_pg_col_begin_drag, #evt_pg_col_dragging, #evt_pg_col_end_drag, #evt_pg_double_click, #evt_pg_highlighted, #evt_pg_item_collapsed, #evt_pg_item_expanded, #evt_pg_label_edit_begin, #evt_pg_label_edit_ending, #evt_pg_page_changed, #evt_pg_right_click, #evt_pg_selected, #evt_press_and_tap, #evt_query_end_session, #evt_query_layout_info, #evt_radiobox, #evt_radiobutton, #evt_ribbonbar_help_click, #evt_ribbonbar_page_changed, #evt_ribbonbar_page_changing, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_left_dclick, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_middle_down, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_middle_up, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_right_down, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_right_up, #evt_ribbonbar_toggled, #evt_ribbonbuttonbar_clicked, #evt_ribbonbuttonbar_dropdown_clicked, #evt_ribbongallery_clicked, #evt_ribbongallery_hover_changed, #evt_ribbongallery_selected, #evt_ribbonpanel_extbutton_activated, #evt_ribbontoolbar_clicked, #evt_ribbontoolbar_dropdown_clicked, #evt_richtext_buffer_reset, #evt_richtext_character, #evt_richtext_consuming_character, #evt_richtext_content_deleted, #evt_richtext_content_inserted, #evt_richtext_delete, #evt_richtext_focus_object_changed, #evt_richtext_left_click, #evt_richtext_left_dclick, #evt_richtext_middle_click, #evt_richtext_properties_changed, #evt_richtext_return, #evt_richtext_right_click, #evt_richtext_selection_changed, #evt_richtext_style_changed, #evt_richtext_stylesheet_changed, #evt_richtext_stylesheet_replaced, #evt_richtext_stylesheet_replacing, #evt_right_dclick, #evt_right_down, #evt_right_up, #evt_sash_dragged, #evt_sash_dragged_range, #evt_scroll, #evt_scroll_bottom, #evt_scroll_changed, #evt_scroll_linedown, #evt_scroll_lineup, #evt_scroll_pagedown, #evt_scroll_pageup, #evt_scroll_thumbrelease, #evt_scroll_thumbtrack, #evt_scroll_top, #evt_scrollbar, #evt_scrollwin, #evt_scrollwin_bottom, #evt_scrollwin_linedown, #evt_scrollwin_lineup, #evt_scrollwin_pagedown, #evt_scrollwin_pageup, #evt_scrollwin_thumbrelease, #evt_scrollwin_thumbtrack, #evt_scrollwin_top, #evt_search, #evt_search_cancel, #evt_set_cursor, #evt_set_focus, #evt_show, #evt_size, #evt_slider, #evt_spin, #evt_spin_down, #evt_spin_up, #evt_spinctrl, #evt_spinctrldouble, #evt_splitter_dclick, #evt_splitter_sash_pos_changed, #evt_splitter_sash_pos_changing, #evt_splitter_sash_pos_resize, #evt_splitter_unsplit, #evt_stc_autocomp_cancelled, #evt_stc_autocomp_char_deleted, #evt_stc_autocomp_completed, #evt_stc_autocomp_selection, #evt_stc_autocomp_selection_change, #evt_stc_calltip_click, #evt_stc_change, #evt_stc_charadded, #evt_stc_clipboard_copy, #evt_stc_clipboard_paste, #evt_stc_do_drop, #evt_stc_doubleclick, #evt_stc_drag_over, #evt_stc_dwellend, #evt_stc_dwellstart, #evt_stc_hotspot_click, #evt_stc_hotspot_dclick, #evt_stc_hotspot_release_click, #evt_stc_indicator_click, #evt_stc_indicator_release, #evt_stc_macrorecord, #evt_stc_margin_right_click, #evt_stc_marginclick, #evt_stc_modified, #evt_stc_needshown, #evt_stc_painted, #evt_stc_romodifyattempt, #evt_stc_savepointleft, #evt_stc_savepointreached, #evt_stc_start_drag, #evt_stc_styleneeded, #evt_stc_updateui, #evt_stc_userlistselection, #evt_stc_zoom, #evt_sys_colour_changed, #evt_taskbar_click, #evt_taskbar_left_dclick, #evt_taskbar_left_down, #evt_taskbar_left_up, #evt_taskbar_move, #evt_taskbar_right_dclick, #evt_taskbar_right_down, #evt_taskbar_right_up, #evt_text, #evt_text_copy, #evt_text_cut, #evt_text_enter, #evt_text_maxlen, #evt_text_paste, #evt_text_url, #evt_time_changed, #evt_timer, #evt_togglebutton, #evt_tool, #evt_tool_dropdown, #evt_tool_enter, #evt_tool_range, #evt_tool_rclicked, #evt_tool_rclicked_range, #evt_toolbook_page_changed, #evt_toolbook_page_changing, #evt_tree_begin_drag, #evt_tree_begin_label_edit, #evt_tree_begin_rdrag, #evt_tree_delete_item, #evt_tree_end_drag, #evt_tree_end_label_edit, #evt_tree_get_info, #evt_tree_item_activated, #evt_tree_item_collapsed, #evt_tree_item_collapsing, #evt_tree_item_expanded, #evt_tree_item_expanding, #evt_tree_item_gettooltip, #evt_tree_item_menu, #evt_tree_item_middle_click, #evt_tree_item_right_click, #evt_tree_key_down, #evt_tree_sel_changed, #evt_tree_sel_changing, #evt_tree_set_info, #evt_tree_state_image_click, #evt_treebook_node_collapsed, #evt_treebook_node_expanded, #evt_treebook_page_changed, #evt_treebook_page_changing, #evt_two_finger_tap, #evt_update_ui, #evt_update_ui_range, #evt_window_create, #evt_window_destroy, #evt_wizard_before_page_changed, #evt_wizard_cancel, #evt_wizard_finished, #evt_wizard_help, #evt_wizard_page_changed, #evt_wizard_page_changing, #evt_wizard_page_shown, #get_evt_handler_enabled, #get_next_handler, #get_previous_handler, #is_unlinked, #process_event, #process_event_locally, #process_pending_events, #queue_event, register_class, remove_filter, #safely_process_event, #set_evt_handler_enabled, #set_next_handler, #try_after, #try_before, #unlink

Methods inherited from Object

#clone, #dup, #is_same_as, #un_share

Constructor Details

#initialize(parent, id, pos, size, choices, style = Wx::HTML::HLB_DEFAULT_STYLE, validator = Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name = Wx::SIMPLE_HTML_LIST_BOX_NAME_STR) ⇒ Wx::HTML::SimpleHtmlListBox #initializeWx::HTML::SimpleHtmlListBox

Returns a new instance of SimpleHtmlListBox.


  • #initialize(parent, id, pos, size, choices, style = Wx::HTML::HLB_DEFAULT_STYLE, validator = Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name = Wx::SIMPLE_HTML_LIST_BOX_NAME_STR) ⇒ Wx::HTML::SimpleHtmlListBox

    Constructor, creating and showing the HTML list box.


    • parent (Wx::Window)

      Parent window. Must not be NULL.

    • id (Integer)

      Window identifier. A value of -1 indicates a default value.

    • pos (Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point)

      Window position.

    • size (Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size)

      Window size. If DEFAULT_SIZE is specified then the window is sized appropriately.

    • choices (Array<String>)

      An array of strings with which to initialise the control.

    • style (Integer) (defaults to: Wx::HTML::HLB_DEFAULT_STYLE)

      Window style. See Wx::HLB_* flags.

    • validator (Wx::Validator) (defaults to: Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR)

      Window validator.

    • name (String) (defaults to: Wx::SIMPLE_HTML_LIST_BOX_NAME_STR)

      Window name.

  • #initializeWx::HTML::SimpleHtmlListBox

    Default constructor, you must call #create later.

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/html/html_list_box.rb', line 191

def initialize(*args) end

Instance Method Details

#append(item) ⇒ Integer #append(item, clientData) ⇒ Integer #append(items) ⇒ Integer #append(items, clientData) ⇒ Integer


  • #append(item) ⇒ Integer

    Appends item into the control.

    The return value is the index of the newly inserted item. Note that this may be different from the last one if the control is sorted (e.g. has LB_SORT or CB_SORT style).


    • item (String)

      String to add.


    • (Integer)
  • #append(item, clientData) ⇒ Integer

    Appends item into the control.

    The return value is the index of the newly inserted item. Note that this may be different from the last one if the control is sorted (e.g. has LB_SORT or CB_SORT style).


    • item (String)

      String to add.

    • clientData (Object)

      Pointer to client data to associate with the new item.


    • (Integer)
  • #append(items) ⇒ Integer

    Appends several items at once into the control.

    Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than appending them one by one if you need to add a lot of items.


    • items (Array<String>)

      Array of strings to insert.


    • (Integer)
  • #append(items, clientData) ⇒ Integer

    Appends several items at once into the control.

    Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than appending them one by one if you need to add a lot of items.


    • items (Array<String>)

      Array of strings to insert.

    • clientData (Wx::ClientData)

      Array of client data pointers of the same size as items to associate with the new items.


    • (Integer)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/html/html_list_box.rb', line 219

def append(*args) end

#create(parent, id, pos = Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size = Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, choices = nil, style = Wx::HTML::HLB_DEFAULT_STYLE, validator = Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name = Wx::SIMPLE_HTML_LIST_BOX_NAME_STR) ⇒ Boolean #create(parent, id, pos, size, choices, style = Wx::HTML::HLB_DEFAULT_STYLE, validator = Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name = Wx::SIMPLE_HTML_LIST_BOX_NAME_STR) ⇒ Boolean


  • #create(parent, id, pos = Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size = Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, choices = nil, style = Wx::HTML::HLB_DEFAULT_STYLE, validator = Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name = Wx::SIMPLE_HTML_LIST_BOX_NAME_STR) ⇒ Boolean

    Creates the HTML listbox for two-step construction.

    See simple_html_list_box for further details.


    • parent (Wx::Window)
    • id (Integer)
    • pos (Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point) (defaults to: Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION)
    • size (Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size) (defaults to: Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE)
    • choices (Array<String>) (defaults to: nil)
    • style (Integer) (defaults to: Wx::HTML::HLB_DEFAULT_STYLE)
    • validator (Wx::Validator) (defaults to: Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR)
    • name (String) (defaults to: Wx::SIMPLE_HTML_LIST_BOX_NAME_STR)


    • (Boolean)
  • #create(parent, id, pos, size, choices, style = Wx::HTML::HLB_DEFAULT_STYLE, validator = Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name = Wx::SIMPLE_HTML_LIST_BOX_NAME_STR) ⇒ Boolean

    Creates the HTML listbox for two-step construction.

    See simple_html_list_box for further details.


    • parent (Wx::Window)
    • id (Integer)
    • pos (Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point)
    • size (Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size)
    • choices (Array<String>)
    • style (Integer) (defaults to: Wx::HTML::HLB_DEFAULT_STYLE)
    • validator (Wx::Validator) (defaults to: Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR)
    • name (String) (defaults to: Wx::SIMPLE_HTML_LIST_BOX_NAME_STR)


    • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/html/html_list_box.rb', line 175

def create(*args) end

#delete(n) ⇒ void

This method returns an undefined value.

Deletes an item from the control.

The client data associated with the item will be also deleted if it is owned by the control. Note that it is an error (signalled by an assert failure in debug builds) to remove an item with the index negative or greater or equal than the number of items in the control. If there is a currently selected item below the item being deleted, i.e. if VListBox#get_selection returns a valid index greater than or equal to n, the selection is invalidated when this function is called. However if the selected item appears before the item being deleted, the selection is preserved unchanged.


  • n (Integer)

    The zero-based item index.

See Also:

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/html/html_list_box.rb', line 298

def delete(n) end

#detach_client_object(n) ⇒ Object

Returns the client object associated with the given item and transfers its ownership to the caller.

This method, unlike #get_client_object, expects the caller to delete the returned pointer. It also replaces the internally stored pointer with NULL, i.e. completely detaches the client object pointer from the control. It’s an error to call this method unless #has_client_object_data returns true.

The associated client object pointer to be deleted by caller or NULL.


  • n (Integer)

    The zero-based item index.


# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/html/html_list_box.rb', line 308

def detach_client_object(n) end

#get_client_object(n) ⇒ Object Also known as: client_object, get_client_data

Returns a pointer to the client data associated with the given item (if any).

It is an error to call this function for a control which doesn’t have typed client data at all although it is OK to call it even if the given item doesn’t have any client data associated with it (but other items do). Notice that the returned pointer is still owned by the control and will be deleted by it, use #detach_client_object if you want to remove the pointer from the control.

A pointer to the client data, or NULL if not present.


  • n (Integer)

    The zero-based position of the item.


# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/html/html_list_box.rb', line 229

def get_client_object(n) end

#has_client_dataBoolean Also known as: has_client_data?

Returns true, if either untyped data (void) or object data (ClientData) is associated with the items of the control.


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/html/html_list_box.rb', line 312

def has_client_data; end

#has_client_object_dataBoolean Also known as: has_client_object_data?

Returns true, if object data is associated with the items of the control.

Object data pointers have the type wxClientData instead of void and, importantly, are owned by the control, i.e. will be deleted by it, unlike their untyped counterparts.


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/html/html_list_box.rb', line 319

def has_client_object_data; end

#insert(item, pos) ⇒ Integer #insert(item, pos, clientData) ⇒ Integer #insert(items, pos) ⇒ Integer #insert(items, pos, clientData) ⇒ Integer


  • #insert(item, pos) ⇒ Integer

    Inserts item into the control.

    The return value is the index of the newly inserted item. If the insertion failed for some reason, -1 is returned.


    • item (String)

      String to add.

    • pos (Integer)

      Position to insert item before, zero based.


    • (Integer)
  • #insert(item, pos, clientData) ⇒ Integer

    Inserts item into the control.

    The return value is the index of the newly inserted item. If the insertion failed for some reason, -1 is returned.


    • item (String)

      String to add.

    • pos (Integer)

      Position to insert item before, zero based.

    • clientData (Object)

      Pointer to client data to associate with the new item.


    • (Integer)
  • #insert(items, pos) ⇒ Integer

    Inserts several items at once into the control.

    Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than inserting them one by one if you need to insert a lot of items.

    The return value is the index of the last inserted item. If the insertion failed for some reason, -1 is returned.


    • items (Array<String>)

      Array of strings to insert.

    • pos (Integer)

      Position to insert the items before, zero based.


    • (Integer)
  • #insert(items, pos, clientData) ⇒ Integer

    Inserts several items at once into the control.

    Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than inserting them one by one if you need to insert a lot of items.

    The return value is the index of the last inserted item. If the insertion failed for some reason, -1 is returned.


    • items (Array<String>)

      Array of strings to insert.

    • pos (Integer)

      Position to insert the items before, zero based.

    • clientData (Wx::ClientData)

      Array of client data pointers of the same size as items to associate with the new items.


    • (Integer)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/html/html_list_box.rb', line 274

def insert(*args) end

#set(items) ⇒ void #set(items, clientData) ⇒ void


  • #set(items) ⇒ void

    This method returns an undefined value.

    Replaces the current control contents with the given items.

    Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than appending them one by one if you need to add a lot of items.


    • items (Array<String>)

      Array of strings to insert.

  • #set(items, clientData) ⇒ void

    This method returns an undefined value.

    Replaces the current control contents with the given items.

    Notice that calling this method is usually much faster than appending them one by one if you need to add a lot of items.


    • items (Array<String>)

      Array of strings to insert.

    • clientData (Wx::ClientData)

      Array of client data pointers of the same size as items to associate with the new items.

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/html/html_list_box.rb', line 289

def set(*args) end

#set_client_object(n, data) ⇒ void Also known as: set_client_data

This method returns an undefined value.

Associates the given typed client data pointer with the given item: the data object will be deleted when the item is deleted (either explicitly by using #delete or implicitly when the control itself is destroyed).

Note that it is an error to call this function if any untyped client data pointers had been associated with the control items before.


  • n (Integer)

    The zero-based item index.

  • data (Object)

    The client data to associate with the item.

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/html/html_list_box.rb', line 238

def set_client_object(n, data) end