Class: Wx::MediaCtrl

Control show all
Defined in:


MediaCtrl is a class for displaying various types of media, such as videos, audio files, natively through native codecs.

MediaCtrl uses native backends to render media, for example on Windows there is a ActiveMovie/DirectShow backend, and on Macintosh there is a QuickTime backend.

Rendering media

Depending upon the backend, MediaCtrl can render and display pretty much any kind of media that the native system can - such as an image, mpeg video, or mp3 (without license restrictions - since it relies on native system calls that may not technically have mp3 decoding available, for example, it falls outside the realm of licensing restrictions). For general operation, all you need to do is call #load to load the file you want to render, catch the EVT_MEDIA_LOADED event, and then call #play to show the video/audio of the media in that event. More complex operations are generally more heavily dependent on the capabilities of the backend. For example, QuickTime cannot set the playback rate of certain streaming media - while DirectShow is slightly more flexible in that regard.


When MediaCtrl plays a file, it plays until the stop position is reached (currently the end of the file/stream). Right before it hits the end of the stream, it fires off a EVT_MEDIA_STOP event to its parent window, at which point the event handler can choose to veto the event, preventing the stream from actually stopping. Example:

class MyFrame < Wx::Frame

    def initialize()
      # ... setup frame controls ...
      # bind events
      # ...
      evt_media_stop MY_ID, :on_media_stop

    def on_media_stop(evt)
      if @userWantsToSeek - 1)


When MediaCtrl stops, either by the EVT_MEDIA_STOP not being vetoed, or by manually calling #stop, where it actually stops is not at the beginning, rather, but at the beginning of the stream. That is, when it stops and play is called, playback is guaranteed to start at the beginning of the media. This is because some streams are not seekable, and when stop is called on them they return to the beginning, thus MediaCtrl tries to keep consistent for all types of media. Note that when changing the state of the media through #play and other methods, the media may not actually be in the Wx::MediaState::MEDIASTATE_PLAYING, for example. If you are relying on the media being in certain state, catch the event relevant to the state. See MediaEvent for the kinds of events that you can catch.

Video size

By default, MediaCtrl will scale the size of the video to the requested amount passed to either its constructor or #create. After calling #load or performing an equivalent operation, you can subsequently obtain the “real” size of the video (if there is any) by calling #get_best_size. Note that the actual result on the display will be slightly different when #show_player_controls is activated and the actual video size will be less than specified due to the extra controls provided by the native toolkit. In addition, the backend may modify #get_best_size to include the size of the extra controls - so if you want the real size of the video just disable #show_player_controls. The idea with setting #get_best_size to the size of the video is that #get_best_size is a Window-derived function that is called when sizers on a window recalculate. What this means is that if you use sizers by default the video will show in its original size without any extra assistance needed from the user.

Player controls

Normally, when you use MediaCtrl it is just a window for the video to play in. However, some toolkits have their own media player interface. For example, QuickTime generally has a bar below the video with a slider. A special feature available to MediaCtrl, you can use the toolkits interface instead of making your own by using the #show_player_controls function. There are several options for the flags parameter, with the two general flags being Wx::MediaCtrlPlayerControls::MEDIACTRLPLAYERCONTROLS_NONE which turns off the native interface, and Wx::MediaCtrlPlayerControls::MEDIACTRLPLAYERCONTROLS_DEFAULT which lets MediaCtrl decide what native controls on the interface. Be sure to review the caveats outlined in Video size before doing so.

Choosing a backend

Generally, you should almost certainly leave this part up to MediaCtrl - but if you need a certain backend for a particular reason, such as QuickTime for playing .mov files, all you need to do to choose a specific backend is to pass the name of the backend class to #create. The following are valid backend identifiers:

  • MEDIABACKEND_DIRECTSHOW: Use ActiveMovie/DirectShow. Uses the native ActiveMovie (I.E. DirectShow) control. Default backend on Windows and supported by nearly all Windows versions. May display a windows media player logo while inactive.

  • MEDIABACKEND_QUICKTIME: Use QuickTime. Mac Only. WARNING: May not work correctly when embedded in a Notebook.

  • MEDIABACKEND_GSTREAMER, Use GStreamer. Unix Only. Requires GStreamer 0.10 along with at the very least the xvimagesink, xoverlay and gst-play modules of gstreamer to function. You need the correct modules to play the relevant files, for example the mad module to play mp3s, etc.

  • MEDIABACKEND_WMP10, Use Windows Media Player 10 (Windows only). Works on systems with either Windows Media Player 9 or 10 installed.

Creating a backend

Creating a backend for MediaCtrl is a rather simple process. Simply derive from MediaBackendCommonBase and implement the methods you want. The methods in MediaBackend correspond to those in MediaCtrl except for CreateControl which does the actual creation of the control, in cases where a custom control is not needed you may simply call Control#create. You need to make sure to use the DECLARE_CLASS and IMPLEMENT_CLASS macros. The only real tricky part is that you need to make sure the file in compiled in, which if there are just backends in there will not happen and you may need to use a force link hack (see FORCE_LINK_MODULE usage in the mediactrl sample). There is a rather simple example of how to create a backend in the ActiveXContainer documentation.


This class supports the following styles:

  • MC_NO_AUTORESIZE: By default, the control will automatically adjust its size to exactly fit the size of a loaded video as soon as a video is loaded. If this flag is given, the control will not change its size automatically and it must be done manually (if desired) using Window#layout. It is strongly recommended to use this flag and handle control resizing manually (note that this style is only available in wxWidgets 3.1.6, so it is only possible to do it when using this or later version).

Category: Multimedia

See Also:



Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Control

#command, ellipsize, escape_mnemonics, #get_label, #get_label_text, #get_size_from_text, #get_size_from_text_size, remove_mnemonics, #set_label, #set_label_markup, #set_label_text

Methods inherited from Window

#accepts_focus, #accepts_focus_from_keyboard, #accepts_focus_recursively, #add_child, #adjust_for_layout_direction, #always_show_scrollbars, #begin_repositioning_children, #cache_best_size, #can_accept_focus, #can_accept_focus_from_keyboard, #can_scroll, #can_set_transparent, #capture_mouse, #center, #center_on_parent, #centre, #centre_on_parent, #clear_background, #client_to_screen, #client_to_window_size, #close, #convert_dialog_to_pixels, #convert_pixels_to_dialog, #destroy, #destroy_children, #disable, #disable_focus_from_keyboard, #do_update_window_ui, #drag_accept_files, #each_child, #enable, #enable_touch_events, #enable_visible_focus, #end_repositioning_children, find_focus, #find_window_by_id, find_window_by_id, #find_window_by_label, find_window_by_label, #find_window_by_name, find_window_by_name, #fit, #fit_inside, #freeze, #from_dip, from_dip, #from_phys, from_phys, #get_accelerator_table, #get_auto_layout, #get_background_colour, #get_background_style, #get_best_height, #get_best_virtual_size, #get_best_width, #get_border, get_capture, #get_caret, #get_char_height, #get_char_width, #get_children, get_class_default_attributes, #get_client_area_origin, #get_client_rect, #get_client_size, #get_containing_sizer, #get_content_scale_factor, #get_cursor, #get_default_attributes, #get_dpi, #get_dpi_scale_factor, #get_drop_target, #get_effective_min_size, #get_event_handler, #get_extra_style, #get_font, #get_foreground_colour, #get_grand_parent, #get_help_text, #get_help_text_at_point, #get_id, #get_label, #get_layout_direction, #get_max_client_size, #get_max_height, #get_max_size, #get_max_width, #get_min_client_size, #get_min_height, #get_min_size, #get_min_width, #get_name, #get_next_sibling, #get_parent, #get_popup_menu_selection_from_user, #get_position, #get_prev_sibling, #get_rect, #get_screen_position, #get_screen_rect, #get_scroll_pos, #get_scroll_range, #get_scroll_thumb, #get_size, #get_sizer, #get_text_extent, #get_theme_enabled, #get_tool_tip, #get_tool_tip_text, #get_update_client_rect, #get_update_region, #get_validator, #get_virtual_size, #get_window_border_size, #get_window_style, #get_window_style_flag, #get_window_variant, #handle_as_navigation_key, #handle_window_event, #has_capture, #has_extra_style, #has_flag, #has_focus, #has_multiple_pages, #has_scrollbar, #has_transparent_background, #hide, #hide_with_effect, #hit_test, #inform_first_direction, #inherit_attributes, #inherits_background_colour, #inherits_foreground_colour, #init_dialog, #invalidate_best_size, #is_being_deleted, #is_descendant, #is_double_buffered, #is_enabled, #is_exposed, #is_focusable, #is_frozen, #is_retained, #is_scrollbar_always_shown, #is_shown, #is_shown_on_screen, #is_this_enabled, #is_top_level, #is_transparent_background_supported, #layout, #line_down, #line_up, #locked, #lower_window, #move, #move_after_in_tab_order, #move_before_in_tab_order, #navigate, #navigate_in, new_control_id, #on_internal_idle, #page_down, #page_up, #paint, #paint_buffered, #pop_event_handler, #popup_menu, #post_size_event, #post_size_event_to_parent, #process_window_event, #process_window_event_locally, #push_event_handler, #raise_window, #refresh, #refresh_rect, #register_hot_key, #release_mouse, #remove_child, #remove_event_handler, #reparent, #screen_to_client, #scroll_lines, #scroll_pages, #scroll_window, #send_size_event, #send_size_event_to_parent, #set_accelerator_table, #set_auto_layout, #set_background_colour, #set_background_style, #set_can_focus, #set_caret, #set_client_size, #set_containing_sizer, #set_cursor, #set_double_buffered, #set_drop_target, #set_event_handler, #set_extra_style, #set_focus, #set_focus_from_kbd, #set_font, #set_foreground_colour, #set_help_text, #set_id, #set_initial_size, #set_label, #set_layout_direction, #set_max_client_size, #set_max_size, #set_min_client_size, #set_min_size, #set_name, #set_next_handler, #set_own_background_colour, #set_own_font, #set_own_foreground_colour, #set_position, #set_previous_handler, #set_scroll_pos, #set_scrollbar, #set_size, #set_size_hints, #set_sizer, #set_sizer_and_fit, #set_theme_enabled, #set_tool_tip, #set_transparent, #set_validator, #set_virtual_size, #set_window_style, #set_window_style_flag, #set_window_variant, #should_inherit_colours, #show, #show_with_effect, #switch_sizer, #thaw, #to_dip, to_dip, #to_phys, to_phys, #toggle_window_style, #transfer_data_from_window, #transfer_data_to_window, #unregister_hot_key, unreserve_control_id, #unset_tool_tip, #update, #update_window_ui, #use_background_colour, #use_bg_col, #use_foreground_colour, #validate, #warp_pointer, #window_to_client_size

Methods inherited from EvtHandler

add_filter, #add_pending_event, #call_after, clear_filters, #connect, #delete_pending_events, #disconnect, #evt_activate, #evt_activate_app, #evt_aui_pane_activated, #evt_aui_pane_button, #evt_aui_pane_close, #evt_aui_pane_maximize, #evt_aui_pane_restore, #evt_aui_render, #evt_auinotebook_allow_dnd, #evt_auinotebook_begin_drag, #evt_auinotebook_bg_dclick, #evt_auinotebook_button, #evt_auinotebook_drag_done, #evt_auinotebook_drag_motion, #evt_auinotebook_end_drag, #evt_auinotebook_page_changed, #evt_auinotebook_page_changing, #evt_auinotebook_page_close, #evt_auinotebook_page_closed, #evt_auinotebook_tab_middle_down, #evt_auinotebook_tab_middle_up, #evt_auinotebook_tab_right_down, #evt_auinotebook_tab_right_up, #evt_auitoolbar_begin_drag, #evt_auitoolbar_middle_click, #evt_auitoolbar_overflow_click, #evt_auitoolbar_right_click, #evt_auitoolbar_tool_dropdown, #evt_button, #evt_calculate_layout, #evt_calendar, #evt_calendar_page_changed, #evt_calendar_sel_changed, #evt_calendar_week_clicked, #evt_calendar_weekday_clicked, #evt_char, #evt_char_hook, #evt_checkbox, #evt_checklistbox, #evt_child_focus, #evt_choice, #evt_choicebook_page_changed, #evt_choicebook_page_changing, #evt_close, #evt_collapsiblepane_changed, #evt_colourpicker_changed, #evt_colourpicker_current_changed, #evt_colourpicker_dialog_cancelled, #evt_combobox, #evt_combobox_closeup, #evt_combobox_dropdown, #evt_command, #evt_command_enter, #evt_command_kill_focus, #evt_command_left_click, #evt_command_left_dclick, #evt_command_range, #evt_command_right_click, #evt_command_scroll, #evt_command_scroll_bottom, #evt_command_scroll_changed, #evt_command_scroll_linedown, #evt_command_scroll_lineup, #evt_command_scroll_pagedown, #evt_command_scroll_pageup, #evt_command_scroll_thumbrelease, #evt_command_scroll_thumbtrack, #evt_command_scroll_top, #evt_command_set_focus, #evt_context_menu, #evt_date_changed, #evt_dialup_connected, #evt_dialup_disconnected, #evt_dirctrl_fileactivated, #evt_dirctrl_selectionchanged, #evt_dirpicker_changed, #evt_dpi_changed, #evt_drop_files, #evt_end_session, #evt_enter_window, #evt_erase_background, #evt_filectrl_fileactivated, #evt_filectrl_filterchanged, #evt_filectrl_folderchanged, #evt_filectrl_selectionchanged, #evt_filepicker_changed, #evt_find, #evt_find_close, #evt_find_next, #evt_find_replace, #evt_find_replace_all, #evt_fontpicker_changed, #evt_fullscreen, #evt_gesture_pan, #evt_gesture_rotate, #evt_gesture_zoom, #evt_grid_cell_changed, #evt_grid_cell_changing, #evt_grid_cell_left_click, #evt_grid_cell_left_dclick, #evt_grid_cell_right_click, #evt_grid_cell_right_dclick, #evt_grid_cmd_col_size, #evt_grid_cmd_editor_created, #evt_grid_cmd_range_selected, #evt_grid_cmd_range_selecting, #evt_grid_cmd_row_size, #evt_grid_col_auto_size, #evt_grid_col_move, #evt_grid_col_size, #evt_grid_col_sort, #evt_grid_editor_created, #evt_grid_editor_hidden, #evt_grid_editor_shown, #evt_grid_label_left_click, #evt_grid_label_left_dclick, #evt_grid_label_right_click, #evt_grid_label_right_dclick, #evt_grid_range_selected, #evt_grid_range_selecting, #evt_grid_row_auto_size, #evt_grid_row_move, #evt_grid_row_size, #evt_grid_select_cell, #evt_grid_tabbing, #evt_header_begin_reorder, #evt_header_begin_resize, #evt_header_click, #evt_header_dclick, #evt_header_dragging_cancelled, #evt_header_end_reorder, #evt_header_end_resize, #evt_header_middle_click, #evt_header_middle_dclick, #evt_header_resizing, #evt_header_right_click, #evt_header_right_dclick, #evt_header_separator_dclick, #evt_help, #evt_help_range, #evt_hibernate, #evt_hotkey, #evt_html_cell_clicked, #evt_html_cell_hover, #evt_html_link_clicked, #evt_hyperlink, #evt_iconize, #evt_idle, #evt_init_dialog, #evt_joy_button_down, #evt_joy_button_up, #evt_joy_move, #evt_joy_zmove, #evt_joystick_events, #evt_key_down, #evt_key_up, #evt_kill_focus, #evt_leave_window, #evt_left_dclick, #evt_left_down, #evt_left_up, #evt_list_begin_drag, #evt_list_begin_label_edit, #evt_list_begin_rdrag, #evt_list_cache_hint, #evt_list_col_begin_drag, #evt_list_col_click, #evt_list_col_dragging, #evt_list_col_end_drag, #evt_list_col_right_click, #evt_list_delete_all_items, #evt_list_delete_item, #evt_list_end_label_edit, #evt_list_insert_item, #evt_list_item_activated, #evt_list_item_checked, #evt_list_item_deselected, #evt_list_item_focused, #evt_list_item_middle_click, #evt_list_item_right_click, #evt_list_item_selected, #evt_list_item_unchecked, #evt_list_key_down, #evt_listbook_page_changed, #evt_listbook_page_changing, #evt_listbox, #evt_listbox_dclick, #evt_long_press, #evt_magnify, #evt_maximize, #evt_media_finished, #evt_media_loaded, #evt_media_pause, #evt_media_play, #evt_media_statechanged, #evt_media_stop, #evt_menu, #evt_menu_close, #evt_menu_highlight, #evt_menu_highlight_all, #evt_menu_open, #evt_menu_range, #evt_middle_dclick, #evt_middle_down, #evt_middle_up, #evt_motion, #evt_mouse_aux1_dclick, #evt_mouse_aux1_down, #evt_mouse_aux1_up, #evt_mouse_aux2_dclick, #evt_mouse_aux2_down, #evt_mouse_aux2_up, #evt_mouse_events, #evt_mousewheel, #evt_move, #evt_move_end, #evt_move_start, #evt_moving, #evt_navigation_key, #evt_notebook_page_changed, #evt_notebook_page_changing, #evt_paint, #evt_pg_changed, #evt_pg_changing, #evt_pg_col_begin_drag, #evt_pg_col_dragging, #evt_pg_col_end_drag, #evt_pg_double_click, #evt_pg_highlighted, #evt_pg_item_collapsed, #evt_pg_item_expanded, #evt_pg_label_edit_begin, #evt_pg_label_edit_ending, #evt_pg_page_changed, #evt_pg_right_click, #evt_pg_selected, #evt_press_and_tap, #evt_query_end_session, #evt_query_layout_info, #evt_radiobox, #evt_radiobutton, #evt_ribbonbar_help_click, #evt_ribbonbar_page_changed, #evt_ribbonbar_page_changing, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_left_dclick, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_middle_down, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_middle_up, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_right_down, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_right_up, #evt_ribbonbar_toggled, #evt_ribbonbuttonbar_clicked, #evt_ribbonbuttonbar_dropdown_clicked, #evt_ribbongallery_clicked, #evt_ribbongallery_hover_changed, #evt_ribbongallery_selected, #evt_ribbonpanel_extbutton_activated, #evt_ribbontoolbar_clicked, #evt_ribbontoolbar_dropdown_clicked, #evt_richtext_buffer_reset, #evt_richtext_character, #evt_richtext_consuming_character, #evt_richtext_content_deleted, #evt_richtext_content_inserted, #evt_richtext_delete, #evt_richtext_focus_object_changed, #evt_richtext_left_click, #evt_richtext_left_dclick, #evt_richtext_middle_click, #evt_richtext_properties_changed, #evt_richtext_return, #evt_richtext_right_click, #evt_richtext_selection_changed, #evt_richtext_style_changed, #evt_richtext_stylesheet_changed, #evt_richtext_stylesheet_replaced, #evt_richtext_stylesheet_replacing, #evt_right_dclick, #evt_right_down, #evt_right_up, #evt_sash_dragged, #evt_sash_dragged_range, #evt_scroll, #evt_scroll_bottom, #evt_scroll_changed, #evt_scroll_linedown, #evt_scroll_lineup, #evt_scroll_pagedown, #evt_scroll_pageup, #evt_scroll_thumbrelease, #evt_scroll_thumbtrack, #evt_scroll_top, #evt_scrollbar, #evt_scrollwin, #evt_scrollwin_bottom, #evt_scrollwin_linedown, #evt_scrollwin_lineup, #evt_scrollwin_pagedown, #evt_scrollwin_pageup, #evt_scrollwin_thumbrelease, #evt_scrollwin_thumbtrack, #evt_scrollwin_top, #evt_search, #evt_search_cancel, #evt_set_cursor, #evt_set_focus, #evt_show, #evt_size, #evt_slider, #evt_spin, #evt_spin_down, #evt_spin_up, #evt_spinctrl, #evt_spinctrldouble, #evt_splitter_dclick, #evt_splitter_sash_pos_changed, #evt_splitter_sash_pos_changing, #evt_splitter_sash_pos_resize, #evt_splitter_unsplit, #evt_stc_autocomp_cancelled, #evt_stc_autocomp_char_deleted, #evt_stc_autocomp_completed, #evt_stc_autocomp_selection, #evt_stc_autocomp_selection_change, #evt_stc_calltip_click, #evt_stc_change, #evt_stc_charadded, #evt_stc_clipboard_copy, #evt_stc_clipboard_paste, #evt_stc_do_drop, #evt_stc_doubleclick, #evt_stc_drag_over, #evt_stc_dwellend, #evt_stc_dwellstart, #evt_stc_hotspot_click, #evt_stc_hotspot_dclick, #evt_stc_hotspot_release_click, #evt_stc_indicator_click, #evt_stc_indicator_release, #evt_stc_macrorecord, #evt_stc_margin_right_click, #evt_stc_marginclick, #evt_stc_modified, #evt_stc_needshown, #evt_stc_painted, #evt_stc_romodifyattempt, #evt_stc_savepointleft, #evt_stc_savepointreached, #evt_stc_start_drag, #evt_stc_styleneeded, #evt_stc_updateui, #evt_stc_userlistselection, #evt_stc_zoom, #evt_sys_colour_changed, #evt_taskbar_click, #evt_taskbar_left_dclick, #evt_taskbar_left_down, #evt_taskbar_left_up, #evt_taskbar_move, #evt_taskbar_right_dclick, #evt_taskbar_right_down, #evt_taskbar_right_up, #evt_text, #evt_text_copy, #evt_text_cut, #evt_text_enter, #evt_text_maxlen, #evt_text_paste, #evt_text_url, #evt_time_changed, #evt_timer, #evt_togglebutton, #evt_tool, #evt_tool_dropdown, #evt_tool_enter, #evt_tool_range, #evt_tool_rclicked, #evt_tool_rclicked_range, #evt_toolbook_page_changed, #evt_toolbook_page_changing, #evt_tree_begin_drag, #evt_tree_begin_label_edit, #evt_tree_begin_rdrag, #evt_tree_delete_item, #evt_tree_end_drag, #evt_tree_end_label_edit, #evt_tree_get_info, #evt_tree_item_activated, #evt_tree_item_collapsed, #evt_tree_item_collapsing, #evt_tree_item_expanded, #evt_tree_item_expanding, #evt_tree_item_gettooltip, #evt_tree_item_menu, #evt_tree_item_middle_click, #evt_tree_item_right_click, #evt_tree_key_down, #evt_tree_sel_changed, #evt_tree_sel_changing, #evt_tree_set_info, #evt_tree_state_image_click, #evt_treebook_node_collapsed, #evt_treebook_node_expanded, #evt_treebook_page_changed, #evt_treebook_page_changing, #evt_two_finger_tap, #evt_update_ui, #evt_update_ui_range, #evt_window_create, #evt_window_destroy, #evt_wizard_before_page_changed, #evt_wizard_cancel, #evt_wizard_finished, #evt_wizard_help, #evt_wizard_page_changed, #evt_wizard_page_changing, #evt_wizard_page_shown, #get_client_object, #get_evt_handler_enabled, #get_next_handler, #get_previous_handler, #is_unlinked, #process_event, #process_event_locally, #process_pending_events, #queue_event, register_class, remove_filter, #safely_process_event, #set_client_object, #set_evt_handler_enabled, #set_next_handler, #try_after, #try_before, #unlink

Methods inherited from Object

#clone, #dup, #is_same_as, #un_share

Constructor Details

#initializeWx::MediaCtrl #initialize(parent, id, fileName = (''), pos = Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size = Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, style = 0, szBackend = (''), validator = Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name = ("MEDIA_CTRL")) ⇒ Wx::MediaCtrl

Returns a new instance of MediaCtrl.


  • #initializeWx::MediaCtrl

    Default constructor - you MUST call #create before calling any other methods of Wx::MediaCtrl.

  • #initialize(parent, id, fileName = (''), pos = Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size = Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, style = 0, szBackend = (''), validator = Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name = ("MEDIA_CTRL")) ⇒ Wx::MediaCtrl

    Constructor that calls #create.

    You may prefer to call #create directly to check to see if Wx::MediaCtrl is available on the system.


    • parent (Wx::Window)

      parent of this control. Must not be NULL.

    • id (Integer)

      id to use for events

    • fileName (String) (defaults to: (''))

      If not empty, the path of a file to open.

    • pos (Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point) (defaults to: Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION)

      Position to put control at.

    • size (Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size) (defaults to: Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE)

      Size to put the control at and to stretch movie to.

    • style (Integer) (defaults to: 0)

      Optional styles. It is recommended to use Wx::MC_NO_AUTORESIZE, although it is not used by default for compatibility reasons.

    • szBackend (String) (defaults to: (''))

      Name of backend you want to use, leave blank to make Wx::MediaCtrl figure it out.

    • validator (Wx::Validator) (defaults to: Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR)

      validator to use.

    • name (String) (defaults to: ("MEDIA_CTRL"))

      Window name.

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/media_ctrl.rb', line 102

def initialize(*args) end

Instance Method Details

#create(parent, id, fileName = (''), pos = Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size = Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, style = 0, szBackend = (''), validator = Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name = ("MEDIA_CTRL")) ⇒ Boolean

Creates this control.

Returns false if it can’t load the media located at fileName or it can’t create a backend. If you specify a file to open via fileName and you don’t specify a backend to use, Wx::MediaCtrl tries each of its backends until one that can render the path referred to by fileName can be found.


  • parent (Wx::Window)

    parent of this control. Must not be NULL.

  • id (Integer)

    id to use for events

  • fileName (String) (defaults to: (''))

    If not empty, the path of a file to open.

  • pos (Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point) (defaults to: Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION)

    Position to put control at.

  • size (Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size) (defaults to: Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE)

    Size to put the control at and to stretch movie to.

  • style (Integer) (defaults to: 0)

    Optional styles. It is recommended to use Wx::MC_NO_AUTORESIZE, although it is not used by default for compatibility reasons.

  • szBackend (String) (defaults to: (''))

    Name of backend you want to use, leave blank to make Wx::MediaCtrl figure it out.

  • validator (Wx::Validator) (defaults to: Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR)

    validator to use.

  • name (String) (defaults to: ("MEDIA_CTRL"))

    Window name.


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/media_ctrl.rb', line 118

def create(parent, id, fileName=(''), pos=Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size=Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, style=0, szBackend=(''), validator=Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name=("MEDIA_CTRL")) end

#get_best_sizeWx::Size Also known as: best_size

Obtains the best size relative to the original/natural size of the video, if there is any.

See Video size for more information.


# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/media_ctrl.rb', line 124

def get_best_size; end

#get_playback_rateFloat Also known as: playback_rate

Obtains the playback rate, or speed of the media.

1.0 represents normal speed, while 2.0 represents twice the normal speed of the media, for example. Not supported on the GStreamer (Unix) backend. zero on failure.


  • (Float)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/media_ctrl.rb', line 132

def get_playback_rate; end

#get_stateWx::MediaState Also known as: state

Obtains the state the playback of the media is in.

Wx::MediaState::MEDIASTATE_STOPPED The media has stopped.

Wx::MediaState::MEDIASTATE_PAUSED The media is paused.

Wx::MediaState::MEDIASTATE_PLAYING The media is currently playing.


# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/media_ctrl.rb', line 146

def get_state; end

#get_volumeFloat Also known as: volume

Gets the volume of the media from a 0.0 to 1.0 range.


Due to rounding and other errors the value returned may not be the exact value sent to #set_volume.


  • (Float)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/media_ctrl.rb', line 157

def get_volume; end


Obtains the length - the total amount of time the media has in milliseconds.


  • (Integer)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/media_ctrl.rb', line 162

def length; end

#load(fileName) ⇒ Boolean #load(uri) ⇒ Boolean #load(uri, proxy) ⇒ Boolean


  • #load(fileName) ⇒ Boolean

    Loads the file that fileName refers to.

    Returns false if loading fails.


    • fileName (String)


    • (Boolean)
  • #load(uri) ⇒ Boolean

    Loads the location that uri refers to.

    Note that this is very implementation-dependent, although HTTP URI/URLs are generally supported, for example. Returns false if loading fails.


    • uri (URI)


    • (Boolean)
  • #load(uri, proxy) ⇒ Boolean

    Loads the location that uri refers to with the proxy proxy.

    Not implemented on most backends so it should be called with caution. Returns false if loading fails.


    • uri (URI)
    • proxy (URI)


    • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/media_ctrl.rb', line 183

def load(*args) end

#load_uri(uri) ⇒ Boolean

Same as Load(const wxURI& uri).

Kept for Python compatibility.


  • uri (String)


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/media_ctrl.rb', line 190

def load_uri(uri) end

#load_uri_with_proxy(uri, proxy) ⇒ Boolean

Same as Load(const wxURI& uri, const wxURI& proxy).

Kept for Python compatibility.


  • uri (String)
  • proxy (String)


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/media_ctrl.rb', line 198

def load_uri_with_proxy(uri, proxy) end


Pauses playback of the media.


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/media_ctrl.rb', line 202

def pause; end


Resumes playback of the media.


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/media_ctrl.rb', line 206

def play; end

#seek(where, mode = Wx::SeekMode::FromStart) ⇒ Integer

Seeks to a position within the media.

TodoDocument the SeekMode parameter mode, and perhaps also the FileOffset and SeekMode themselves.


  • where (Integer)
  • mode (Wx::SeekMode) (defaults to: Wx::SeekMode::FromStart)


  • (Integer)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/media_ctrl.rb', line 214

def seek(where, mode=Wx::SeekMode::FromStart) end

#set_playback_rate(dRate) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: playback_rate=

Sets the playback rate, or speed of the media, to that referred by dRate.

1.0 represents normal speed, while 2.0 represents twice the normal speed of the media, for example. Not supported on the GStreamer (Unix) backend. Returns true if successful.


  • dRate (Float)


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/media_ctrl.rb', line 221

def set_playback_rate(dRate) end

#set_volume(dVolume) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: volume=

Sets the volume of the media from a 0.0 to 1.0 range to that referred by dVolume.

1.0 represents full volume, while 0.5 represents half (50 percent) volume, for example.


The volume may not be exact due to conversion and rounding errors, although setting the volume to full or none is always exact. Returns true if successful.


  • dVolume (Float)


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/media_ctrl.rb', line 235

def set_volume(dVolume) end

#show_player_controls(flags = Wx::MediaCtrlPlayerControls::MEDIACTRLPLAYERCONTROLS_DEFAULT) ⇒ Boolean

A special feature to Wx::MediaCtrl.

Applications using native toolkits such as QuickTime usually have a scrollbar, play button, and more provided to them by the toolkit. By default Wx::MediaCtrl does not do this. However, on the DirectShow and QuickTime backends you can show or hide the native controls provided by the underlying toolkit at will using #show_player_controls. Simply calling the function with default parameters tells Wx::MediaCtrl to use the default controls provided by the toolkit. The function takes a Wx::MediaCtrlPlayerControls enumeration, please see available show modes there. For more info see Player controls. Currently only implemented on the QuickTime and DirectShow backends. The function returns true on success.



  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/media_ctrl.rb', line 245

def show_player_controls(flags=Wx::MediaCtrlPlayerControls::MEDIACTRLPLAYERCONTROLS_DEFAULT) end


Stops the media.

See Operation for an overview of how stopping works.


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/media_ctrl.rb', line 251

def stop; end


Obtains the current position in time within the media in milliseconds.


  • (Integer)

# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/media_ctrl.rb', line 255

def tell; end