Class: Wx::RTC::RichTextCtrl
- Includes:
- TextEntry
- Defined in:
- lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb,
RichTextCtrl provides a generic, ground-up implementation of a text control capable of showing multiple styles and images.
RichTextCtrl sends notification events: see RichTextEvent. It also sends the standard TextCtrl events EVT_TEXT_ENTER and EVT_TEXT, and TextUrlEvent when URL content is clicked. For more information, see the wxRichTextCtrl Overview.
This class supports the following styles:
RE_CENTRE_CARET: The control will try to keep the caret line centred vertically while editing. RE_CENTER_CARET is a synonym for this style.
RE_MULTILINE: The control will be multiline (mandatory).
RE_READONLY: The control will not be editable.
Category: Rich Text <div class=‘appearance’><span class=‘appearance’>Appearance:</span><table><tr><td> WXMSW Appearance </td><td> WXGTK Appearance </td><td> WXOSX Appearance </td></tr></table></div>
Class Method Summary collapse
.clear_available_font_names ⇒ void
Clears the cache of available font names.
.get_available_font_names ⇒ Wx::ArrayString
Font names take a long time to retrieve, so cache them (on demand).
Instance Method Summary collapse
#add_image(image) ⇒ Range
Adds an image to the control’s buffer.
#add_paragraph(text) ⇒ Range
Adds a new paragraph of text to the end of the buffer.
#append_text(text) ⇒ void
Sets the insertion point to the end of the buffer and writes the text.
#apply_alignment_to_selection(alignment) ⇒ Boolean
Applies the given alignment to the selection or the default style (undoable).
#apply_bold_to_selection ⇒ Boolean
Apples bold to the selection or the default style (undoable).
#apply_italic_to_selection ⇒ Boolean
Applies italic to the selection or the default style (undoable).
#apply_style(def_) ⇒ Boolean
Applies the style sheet to the buffer, matching paragraph styles in the sheet against named styles in the buffer.
#apply_style_sheet(styleSheet = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Applies the style sheet to the buffer, for example if the styles have changed.
#apply_text_effect_to_selection(flags) ⇒ Boolean
Applies one or more TextAttrEffects flags to the selection (undoable).
#apply_underline_to_selection ⇒ Boolean
Applies underline to the selection or the default style (undoable).
#batching_undo ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if undo commands are being batched.
#begin_alignment(alignment) ⇒ Boolean
Begins using alignment.
#begin_batch_undo(cmdName) ⇒ Boolean
Starts batching undo history for commands.
#begin_bold ⇒ Boolean
Begins using bold.
#begin_character_style(characterStyle) ⇒ Boolean
Begins using the named character style.
#begin_font(font) ⇒ Boolean
Begins using this font.
#begin_font_size(pointSize) ⇒ Boolean
Begins using the given point size.
#begin_italic ⇒ Boolean
Begins using italic.
#begin_left_indent(leftIndent, leftSubIndent = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Begins applying a left indent and subindent in tenths of a millimetre.
#begin_line_spacing(lineSpacing) ⇒ Boolean
Begins applying line spacing.
#begin_list_style(listStyle, level = 1, number = 1) ⇒ Boolean
Begins using a specified list style.
#begin_numbered_bullet(bulletNumber, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle = (Wx::TextAttrBulletStyle::TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_ARABIC|Wx::TextAttrBulletStyle::TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_PERIOD)) ⇒ Boolean
Begins a numbered bullet.
#begin_paragraph_spacing(before, after) ⇒ Boolean
Begins paragraph spacing; pass the before-paragraph and after-paragraph spacing in tenths of a millimetre.
#begin_paragraph_style(paragraphStyle) ⇒ Boolean
Begins applying the named paragraph style.
#begin_right_indent(rightIndent) ⇒ Boolean
Begins a right indent, specified in tenths of a millimetre.
#begin_standard_bullet(bulletName, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle = Wx::TextAttrBulletStyle::TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_STANDARD) ⇒ Boolean
Begins applying a symbol bullet.
#begin_style(style) ⇒ Boolean
Begins applying a style.
#begin_suppress_undo ⇒ Boolean
Starts suppressing undo history for commands.
#begin_symbol_bullet(symbol, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle = Wx::TextAttrBulletStyle::TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_SYMBOL) ⇒ Boolean
Begins applying a symbol bullet, using a character from the current font.
#begin_text_colour(colour) ⇒ Boolean
Begins using this colour.
#begin_underline ⇒ Boolean
Begins using underlining.
#begin_url(url, characterStyle = ('')) ⇒ Boolean
Begins applying TextAttrFlags::TEXT_ATTR_URL to the content.
#can_copy ⇒ Boolean
(also: #can_copy?)
Returns true if selected content can be copied to the clipboard.
#can_cut ⇒ Boolean
(also: #can_cut?)
Returns true if selected content can be copied to the clipboard and deleted.
#can_delete_range(container, range) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #can_delete_range?)
Can we delete this range? Sends an event to the control.
#can_delete_selection ⇒ Boolean
(also: #can_delete_selection?)
Returns true if selected content can be deleted.
#can_edit_properties(obj) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #can_edit_properties?)
Returns true if we can edit the object’s properties via a GUI.
#can_insert_content(container, pos) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #can_insert_content?)
Can we insert content at this position? Sends an event to the control.
#can_paste ⇒ Boolean
(also: #can_paste?)
Returns true if the clipboard content can be pasted to the buffer.
#can_redo ⇒ Boolean
(also: #can_redo?)
Returns true if there is a command in the command history that can be redone.
#can_undo ⇒ Boolean
(also: #can_undo?)
Returns true if there is a command in the command history that can be undone.
#clear ⇒ void
Clears the buffer content, leaving a single empty paragraph.
#clear_list_style(range, flags = Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO) ⇒ Boolean
Clears the list style from the given range, clearing list-related attributes and applying any named paragraph style associated with each paragraph.
#command(event) ⇒ void
Sends the event to the control.
#copy ⇒ void
Copies the selected content (if any) to the clipboard.
#create(parent, id = -1,, value = (''), pos = Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size = Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, style = Wx::RTC::RE_MULTILINE, validator = Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name = Wx::TEXT_CTRL_NAME_STR) ⇒ Boolean
Creates the underlying window.
#cut ⇒ void
Copies the selected content (if any) to the clipboard and deletes the selection.
#delete(range) ⇒ Boolean
Deletes the content within the given range.
#delete_selected_content ⇒ Integer?
Deletes content if there is a selection, e.g.
#delete_selection ⇒ void
Deletes the content in the selection, if any.
#discard_edits ⇒ void
Sets the buffer’s modified status to false, and clears the buffer’s command history.
#do_load_file(file, fileType) ⇒ Boolean
Helper function for #load_file.
#do_save_file(file = (''), fileType = Wx::RTC::RichTextFileType::RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY) ⇒ Boolean
Helper function for #save_file.
#does_selection_have_text_effect_flag(flag) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if all of the selection, or the content at the current caret position, has the supplied TextAttrEffects flag(s).
#each_line {|line| ... } ⇒ Object, Enumerator
Yield each line to the given block.
#edit_properties(obj, parent) ⇒ Boolean
Edits the object’s properties via a GUI.
#enable_delayed_image_loading(b) ⇒ void
Enable or disable delayed image loading.
#enable_images(b) ⇒ void
Enable or disable images.
#enable_virtual_attributes(b) ⇒ void
Pass true to let the control use virtual attributes.
#end_alignment ⇒ Boolean
Ends alignment.
#end_all_styles ⇒ Boolean
Ends application of all styles in the current style stack.
#end_batch_undo ⇒ Boolean
Ends batching undo command history.
#end_bold ⇒ Boolean
Ends using bold.
#end_character_style ⇒ Boolean
Ends application of a named character style.
#end_font ⇒ Boolean
Ends using a font.
#end_font_size ⇒ Boolean
Ends using a point size.
#end_italic ⇒ Boolean
Ends using italic.
#end_left_indent ⇒ Boolean
Ends left indent.
#end_line_spacing ⇒ Boolean
Ends line spacing.
#end_list_style ⇒ Boolean
Ends using a specified list style.
#end_numbered_bullet ⇒ Boolean
Ends application of a numbered bullet.
#end_paragraph_spacing ⇒ Boolean
Ends paragraph spacing.
#end_paragraph_style ⇒ Boolean
Ends application of a named paragraph style.
#end_right_indent ⇒ Boolean
Ends right indent.
#end_standard_bullet ⇒ Boolean
Begins applying a standard bullet.
#end_style ⇒ Boolean
Ends the current style.
#end_suppress_undo ⇒ Boolean
Ends suppressing undo command history.
#end_symbol_bullet ⇒ Boolean
Ends applying a symbol bullet.
#end_text_colour ⇒ Boolean
Ends applying a text colour.
#end_underline ⇒ Boolean
End applying underlining.
#end_url ⇒ Boolean
Ends applying a URL.
#extend_cell_selection(table, noRowSteps, noColSteps) ⇒ Boolean
Extends a table selection in the given direction.
#extend_selection(oldPosition, newPosition, flags) ⇒ Boolean
Helper function for extending the selection, returning true if the selection was changed.
#find_caret_position_for_character_position(position, hitTestFlags, container) ⇒ Array(Integer,Boolean)
Find the caret position for the combination of hit-test flags and character position.
#find_next_word_position(direction = 1) ⇒ Integer
Helper function for finding the caret position for the next word.
#find_range_for_list(pos) ⇒ Array(Range,Boolean)
Given a character position at which there is a list style, find the range encompassing the same list style by looking backwards and forwards.
- #force_delayed_layout ⇒ void
#get_adjusted_caret_position(caretPos) ⇒ Integer
(also: #adjusted_caret_position)
The adjusted caret position is the character position adjusted to take into account whether we’re at the start of a paragraph, in which case style information should be taken from the next position, not current one.
#get_basic_style ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextAttr
(also: #basic_style)
Gets the basic (overall) style.
- #get_buffer ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextBuffer (also: #buffer)
#get_caret_at_line_start ⇒ Boolean
(also: #caret_at_line_start)
Returns true if we are showing the caret position at the start of a line instead of at the end of the previous one.
#get_caret_position ⇒ Integer
(also: #caret_position)
Returns the current caret position.
#get_caret_position_for_default_style ⇒ Integer
(also: #caret_position_for_default_style)
Returns the caret position since the default formatting was changed.
#get_caret_position_for_index(position, rect, container = nil) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #caret_position_for_index)
Returns the caret height and position for the given character position.
#get_command_processor ⇒ Wx::RTC::CommandProcessor
(also: #command_processor)
Gets the command processor associated with the control’s buffer.
#get_context_menu ⇒ Wx::Menu
(also: #context_menu)
Returns the current context menu.
- #get_context_menu_properties_info ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextContextMenuPropertiesInfo (also: #context_menu_properties_info)
#get_default_style_ex ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextAttr
(also: #default_style_ex)
Returns the current default style, which can be used to change how subsequently inserted text is displayed.
#get_delayed_image_loading ⇒ Boolean
(also: #delayed_image_loading)
Returns true if delayed image loading is enabled.
#get_delayed_image_processing_required ⇒ Boolean
(also: #delayed_image_processing_required)
Gets the flag indicating that delayed image processing is required.
#get_delayed_image_processing_time ⇒ Integer
(also: #delayed_image_processing_time)
Returns the last time delayed image processing was performed.
#get_delayed_layout_threshold ⇒ Integer
(also: #delayed_layout_threshold)
Gets the size of the buffer beyond which layout is delayed during resizing.
#get_dimension_scale ⇒ Float
(also: #dimension_scale)
Returns the scale factor for displaying certain dimensions such as indentation and inter-paragraph spacing.
#get_drag_start_point ⇒ Wx::Point
(also: #drag_start_point)
Get the possible Drag’n’Drop start point.
#get_drag_start_time ⇒ Wx::DateTime
(also: #drag_start_time)
Get the possible Drag’n’Drop start time.
#get_dragging ⇒ Boolean
(also: #dragging)
Returns true if we are extending a selection.
#get_filename ⇒ String
(also: #filename)
Gets the current filename associated with the control.
#get_first_visible_point ⇒ Wx::Point
(also: #first_visible_point)
Returns the first visible point in the window.
#get_first_visible_position ⇒ Integer
(also: #first_visible_position)
Returns the first visible position in the current view.
#get_focus_object ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextParagraphLayoutBox
(also: #focus_object)
Returns the RichTextObject object that currently has the editing focus.
#get_font_scale ⇒ Float
(also: #font_scale)
Returns the scale factor for displaying fonts, for example for more comfortable editing.
- #get_full_layout_required ⇒ Boolean (also: #full_layout_required)
- #get_full_layout_saved_position ⇒ Integer (also: #full_layout_saved_position)
- #get_full_layout_time ⇒ Integer (also: #full_layout_time)
#get_handler_flags ⇒ Integer
(also: #handler_flags)
Returns flags that change the behaviour of loading or saving.
#get_images_enabled ⇒ Boolean
(also: #images_enabled)
Returns true if images are enabled.
#get_insertion_point ⇒ Integer
(also: #insertion_point)
Returns the current insertion point.
#get_internal_selection_range ⇒ Range
(also: #internal_selection_range)
Returns the selection range in character positions.
#get_last_position ⇒ Wx::TextPos
(also: #last_position)
Returns the last position in the buffer.
#get_line_length(lineNo) ⇒ Integer
(also: #line_length)
Returns the length of the specified line in characters.
#get_line_text(lineNo) ⇒ String
(also: #line_text)
Returns the text for the given line.
#get_logical_point(ptPhysical) ⇒ Wx::Point
(also: #logical_point)
Transforms physical window position to logical (unscrolled) position.
#get_number_of_lines ⇒ Integer
(also: #number_of_lines)
Returns the number of lines in the buffer.
#get_physical_point(ptLogical) ⇒ Wx::Point
(also: #physical_point)
Transforms logical (unscrolled) position to physical window position.
#get_pre_drag ⇒ Boolean
(also: #pre_drag)
Are we trying to start Drag’n’Drop?.
#get_properties_menu_label(obj) ⇒ String
(also: #properties_menu_label)
Gets the object’s properties menu label.
#get_range(from, to) ⇒ String
(also: #range)
Gets the text for the given range.
#get_scale ⇒ Float
(also: #scale)
Returns an overall scale factor for displaying and editing the content.
#get_scaled_point(pt) ⇒ Wx::Point
(also: #scaled_point)
Returns a scaled point.
#get_scaled_rect(rect) ⇒ Wx::Rect
(also: #scaled_rect)
Returns a scaled rectangle.
#get_scaled_size(sz) ⇒ Wx::Size
(also: #scaled_size)
Returns a scaled size.
- #get_selection ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextSelection (also: #selection)
#get_selection_anchor ⇒ Integer
(also: #selection_anchor)
Returns an anchor so we know how to extend the selection.
#get_selection_anchor_object ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextObject
(also: #selection_anchor_object)
Returns the anchor object if selecting multiple containers.
#get_selection_range ⇒ Range
(also: #selection_range)
Returns the selection range in character positions.
#get_string_selection ⇒ String
(also: #string_selection)
Returns the text within the current selection range, if any.
- #get_style(*args) ⇒ Object (also: #style)
- #get_style_for_range(*args) ⇒ Object (also: #style_for_range)
#get_style_sheet ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextStyleSheet
(also: #style_sheet)
Returns the style sheet associated with the control, if any.
#get_text_cursor ⇒ Wx::Cursor
(also: #text_cursor)
Returns the text (normal) cursor.
- #get_uncombined_style(*args) ⇒ Object (also: #uncombined_style)
#get_unscaled_point(pt) ⇒ Wx::Point
(also: #unscaled_point)
Returns an unscaled point.
#get_unscaled_rect(rect) ⇒ Wx::Rect
(also: #unscaled_rect)
Returns an unscaled rectangle.
#get_unscaled_size(sz) ⇒ Wx::Size
(also: #unscaled_size)
Returns an unscaled size.
#get_url_cursor ⇒ Wx::Cursor
(also: #url_cursor)
Returns the cursor to be used over URLs.
#get_value ⇒ String
(also: #value)
Returns the content of the entire control as a string.
#get_virtual_attributes_enabled ⇒ Boolean
(also: #virtual_attributes_enabled)
Returns true if this control can use virtual attributes and virtual text.
#get_visible_line_for_caret_position(caretPosition) ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextLine
(also: #visible_line_for_caret_position)
Internal helper function returning the line for the visible caret position.
#has_character_attributes(range, style) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #has_character_attributes?)
Test if this whole range has character attributes of the specified kind.
#has_paragraph_attributes(range, style) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #has_paragraph_attributes?)
Test if this whole range has paragraph attributes of the specified kind.
#has_selection ⇒ Boolean
(also: #has_selection?)
Returns true if there is a selection and the object containing the selection was the same as the current focus object.
#has_unfocused_selection ⇒ Boolean
(also: #has_unfocused_selection?)
Returns true if there was a selection, whether or not the current focus object is the same as the selection’s container object.
- #hit_test(pt) ⇒ Array(Wx::TextCtrlHitTestResult,Integer,Integer)
#init ⇒ void
Initialises the members of the control.
#initialize(*args) ⇒ RichTextCtrl
A new instance of RichTextCtrl.
#invalidate ⇒ void
Invalidates the whole buffer to trigger painting later.
#is_default_style_showing ⇒ Boolean
(also: #default_style_showing?)
Returns true if the user has recently set the default style without moving the caret, and therefore the UI needs to reflect the default style and not the style at the caret.
#is_editable ⇒ Boolean
(also: #editable?)
Returns true if the control is editable.
#is_modified ⇒ Boolean
(also: #modified?)
Returns true if the buffer has been modified.
#is_multi_line ⇒ Boolean
(also: #multi_line?)
Returns true if the control is multiline.
#is_position_visible(pos) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #position_visible?)
Returns true if the given position is visible on the screen.
#is_selection_aligned(alignment) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #selection_aligned?)
Returns true if all of the selection is aligned according to the specified flag.
#is_selection_bold ⇒ Boolean
(also: #selection_bold?)
Returns true if all of the selection, or the content at the caret position, is bold.
#is_selection_italics ⇒ Boolean
(also: #selection_italics?)
Returns true if all of the selection, or the content at the caret position, is italic.
#is_selection_underlined ⇒ Boolean
(also: #selection_underlined?)
Returns true if all of the selection, or the content at the caret position, is underlined.
#is_single_line ⇒ Boolean
(also: #single_line?)
Returns true if the control is single-line.
#line_break ⇒ Boolean
Inserts a line break at the current insertion point.
#load_file(file, type = Wx::RTC::RichTextFileType::RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY) ⇒ Boolean
Loads content into the control’s buffer using the given type.
#mark_dirty ⇒ void
Marks the buffer as modified.
#move_caret(pos, showAtLineStart = false, container = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Move the caret to the given character position.
#move_caret_back(oldPosition) ⇒ void
Move the caret one visual step forward: this may mean setting a flag and keeping the same position if we’re going from the end of one line to the start of the next, which may be the exact same caret position.
#move_caret_forward(oldPosition) ⇒ void
Move the caret one visual step forward: this may mean setting a flag and keeping the same position if we’re going from the end of one line to the start of the next, which may be the exact same caret position.
#move_down(noLines = 1, flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves the caret down.
#move_end(flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves to the end of the buffer.
#move_home(flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves to the start of the buffer.
#move_left(noPositions = 1, flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves left.
#move_right(noPositions = 1, flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves right.
#move_to_line_end(flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves to the end of the line.
#move_to_line_start(flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves to the start of the line.
#move_to_paragraph_end(flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves to the end of the paragraph.
#move_to_paragraph_start(flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves to the start of the paragraph.
#move_up(noLines = 1, flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves to the start of the paragraph.
#newline ⇒ Boolean
Inserts a new paragraph at the current insertion point.
- #number_list(*args) ⇒ Object
#on_timer(event) ⇒ void
Respond to timer events.
#page_down(noPages = 1, flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves one or more pages down.
#page_up(noPages = 1, flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves one or more pages up.
#paste ⇒ void
Pastes content from the clipboard to the buffer.
#pop_style_sheet ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextStyleSheet
Pops the style sheet from top of stack.
#position_caret(container = nil) ⇒ void
Internal function to position the visible caret according to the current caret position.
#prepare_content(container) ⇒ void
Prepares the content just before insertion (or after buffer reset).
#prepare_context_menu(menu, pt, addPropertyCommands) ⇒ Integer
Prepares the context menu, optionally adding appropriate property-editing commands.
#process_back_key(event, flags) ⇒ Boolean
Processes the back key.
- #process_delayed_image_loading(*args) ⇒ Object
#process_mouse_movement(container, obj, position, pos) ⇒ Boolean
Processes mouse movement in order to change the cursor.
- #promote_list(*args) ⇒ Object
#push_style_sheet(styleSheet) ⇒ Boolean
Push the style sheet to top of stack.
#redo_ ⇒ void
Redoes the current command.
#refresh_for_selection_change(oldSelection, newSelection) ⇒ Boolean
Refreshes the area affected by a selection change.
#remove(from, to) ⇒ void
Removes the content in the specified range.
#replace(from, to, value) ⇒ void
Replaces the content in the specified range with the string specified by value.
#request_delayed_image_processing ⇒ void
Request delayed image processing.
#save_file(file = (''), type = Wx::RTC::RichTextFileType::RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY) ⇒ Boolean
Saves the buffer content using the given type.
#select_all ⇒ void
Selects all the text in the buffer.
#select_none ⇒ void
Cancels any selection.
#select_word(position) ⇒ Boolean
Selects the word at the given character position.
#set_and_show_default_style(attr) ⇒ void
(also: #and_show_default_style=)
Sets attr as the default style and tells the control that the UI should reflect this attribute until the user moves the caret.
#set_basic_style(style) ⇒ void
(also: #basic_style=)
Sets the basic (overall) style.
#set_caret_at_line_start(atStart) ⇒ void
(also: #caret_at_line_start=)
Sets a flag to remember that we are showing the caret position at the start of a line instead of at the end of the previous one.
#set_caret_position(position, showAtLineStart = false) ⇒ void
(also: #caret_position=)
Sets the caret position.
#set_caret_position_after_click(container, position, hitTestFlags, extendSelection = false) ⇒ Boolean
Sets up the caret for the given position and container, after a mouse click.
#set_caret_position_for_default_style(pos) ⇒ void
(also: #caret_position_for_default_style=)
Set the caret position for the default style that the user is selecting.
#set_context_menu(menu) ⇒ void
(also: #context_menu=)
Sets the current context menu.
- #set_default_style(*args) ⇒ Object (also: #default_style=)
#set_default_style_to_cursor_style ⇒ Boolean
Sets the default style to the style under the cursor.
#set_delayed_image_processing_required(b) ⇒ void
(also: #delayed_image_processing_required=)
Sets the flag indicating that delayed image processing is required.
#set_delayed_image_processing_time(t) ⇒ void
(also: #delayed_image_processing_time=)
Sets the last time delayed image processing was performed.
#set_delayed_layout_threshold(threshold) ⇒ void
(also: #delayed_layout_threshold=)
Sets the size of the buffer beyond which layout is delayed during resizing.
#set_dimension_scale(dimScale, refresh = false) ⇒ void
(also: #dimension_scale=)
Sets the scale factor for displaying certain dimensions such as indentation and inter-paragraph spacing.
#set_drag_start_point(sp) ⇒ void
(also: #drag_start_point=)
Set the possible Drag’n’Drop start point.
#set_drag_start_time(st) ⇒ void
(also: #drag_start_time=)
Set the possible Drag’n’Drop start time.
#set_dragging(dragging) ⇒ void
(also: #dragging=)
Sets a flag to remember if we are extending a selection.
#set_editable(editable) ⇒ void
(also: #editable=)
Makes the control editable, or not.
#set_filename(filename) ⇒ void
(also: #filename=)
Sets the current filename.
#set_focus_object(obj, setCaretPosition = true) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #focus_object=)
Sets the RichTextObject object that currently has the editing focus.
#set_font(font) ⇒ Boolean
(also: #font=)
Sets the font, and also the basic and default attributes (see #set_default_style).
#set_font_scale(fontScale, refresh = false) ⇒ void
(also: #font_scale=)
Sets the scale factor for displaying fonts, for example for more comfortable editing.
- #set_full_layout_required(b) ⇒ void (also: #full_layout_required=)
- #set_full_layout_saved_position(p) ⇒ void (also: #full_layout_saved_position=)
- #set_full_layout_time(t) ⇒ void (also: #full_layout_time=)
#set_handler_flags(flags) ⇒ void
(also: #handler_flags=)
Sets flags that change the behaviour of loading or saving.
#set_insertion_point(pos) ⇒ void
(also: #insertion_point=)
Sets the insertion point and causes the current editing style to be taken from the new position (unlike #set_caret_position).
#set_insertion_point_end ⇒ void
Sets the insertion point to the end of the text control.
#set_internal_selection_range(range) ⇒ void
(also: #internal_selection_range=)
Sets the selection range in character positions.
- #set_list_style(range, defName, flags = Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, startFrom = 1, specifiedLevel = -1)) ⇒ Boolean
#set_max_length(len) ⇒ void
(also: #max_length=)
Sets the maximum number of characters that may be entered in a single line text control.
- #set_modified(modified) ⇒ void (also: #modified=)
#set_pre_drag(pd) ⇒ void
(also: #pre_drag=)
Set if we’re trying to start Drag’n’Drop.
#set_properties(range, properties, flags = Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETPROPERTIES_WITH_UNDO) ⇒ Boolean
Sets the properties for the given range, passing flags to determine how the attributes are set.
#set_scale(scale, refresh = false) ⇒ void
(also: #scale=)
Sets an overall scale factor for displaying and editing the content.
- #set_selection(*args) ⇒ Object (also: #selection=)
#set_selection_anchor(anchor) ⇒ void
(also: #selection_anchor=)
Sets an anchor so we know how to extend the selection.
#set_selection_anchor_object(anchor) ⇒ void
(also: #selection_anchor_object=)
Sets the anchor object if selecting multiple containers.
#set_selection_range(range) ⇒ void
(also: #selection_range=)
Sets the selection to the given range.
- #set_style(*args) ⇒ Object
#set_style_ex(range, style, flags = Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO) ⇒ Boolean
Sets the attributes for the given range, passing flags to determine how the attributes are set.
#set_style_sheet(styleSheet) ⇒ void
(also: #style_sheet=)
Sets the style sheet associated with the control.
#set_text_cursor(cursor) ⇒ void
(also: #text_cursor=)
Sets the text (normal) cursor.
#set_url_cursor(cursor) ⇒ void
(also: #url_cursor=)
Sets the cursor to be used over URLs.
#set_value(value) ⇒ void
(also: #value=)
Replaces existing content with the given text.
#should_inherit_colours ⇒ Boolean
Return true from here to allow the colours of this window to be changed by Window#inherit_attributes.
#show_context_menu(menu, pt, addPropertyCommands) ⇒ Boolean
Shows the given context menu, optionally adding appropriate property-editing commands for the current position in the object hierarchy.
#show_position(pos) ⇒ void
Scrolls the buffer so that the given position is in view.
#start_cell_selection(table, newCell) ⇒ Boolean
Starts selecting table cells.
#store_focus_object(obj) ⇒ void
Setter for m_focusObject.
#suppressing_undo ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if undo history suppression is on.
#undo ⇒ void
Undoes the command at the top of the command history, if there is one.
#word_left(noPages = 1, flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves a number of words to the left.
#word_right(noPages = 1, flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Move a number of words to the right.
#write_field(fieldType, properties, textAttr = ( ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextField
Writes a field at the current insertion point.
- #write_image(*args) ⇒ Object
#write_table(rows, cols, tableAttr = (, cellAttr = ( ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextTable
Write a table at the current insertion point, returning the table.
#write_text(text) ⇒ void
Writes text at the current position.
#write_text_box(textAttr = ( ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextBox
Write a text box at the current insertion point, returning the text box.
Methods included from TextEntry
#auto_complete, #auto_complete_directories, #auto_complete_file_names, #change_value, #force_upper, #get_hint, #get_margins, #is_empty, #set_hint, #set_margins
Methods inherited from Control
ellipsize, escape_mnemonics, #get_label, #get_label_text, #get_size_from_text, #get_size_from_text_size, remove_mnemonics, #set_label, #set_label_markup, #set_label_text
Methods inherited from Window
#accepts_focus, #accepts_focus_from_keyboard, #accepts_focus_recursively, #add_child, #adjust_for_layout_direction, #always_show_scrollbars, #begin_repositioning_children, #cache_best_size, #can_accept_focus, #can_accept_focus_from_keyboard, #can_scroll, #can_set_transparent, #capture_mouse, #center, #center_on_parent, #centre, #centre_on_parent, #clear_background, #client_to_screen, #client_to_window_size, #close, #convert_dialog_to_pixels, #convert_pixels_to_dialog, #destroy, #destroy_children, #disable, #disable_focus_from_keyboard, #do_update_window_ui, #drag_accept_files, #each_child, #enable, #enable_touch_events, #enable_visible_focus, #end_repositioning_children, find_focus, #find_window_by_id, find_window_by_id, #find_window_by_label, find_window_by_label, #find_window_by_name, find_window_by_name, #fit, #fit_inside, #freeze, #from_dip, from_dip, #from_phys, from_phys, #get_accelerator_table, #get_auto_layout, #get_background_colour, #get_background_style, #get_best_height, #get_best_size, #get_best_virtual_size, #get_best_width, #get_border, get_capture, #get_caret, #get_char_height, #get_char_width, #get_children, get_class_default_attributes, #get_client_area_origin, #get_client_rect, #get_client_size, #get_containing_sizer, #get_content_scale_factor, #get_cursor, #get_default_attributes, #get_dpi, #get_dpi_scale_factor, #get_drop_target, #get_effective_min_size, #get_event_handler, #get_extra_style, #get_font, #get_foreground_colour, #get_grand_parent, #get_help_text, #get_help_text_at_point, #get_id, #get_label, #get_layout_direction, #get_max_client_size, #get_max_height, #get_max_size, #get_max_width, #get_min_client_size, #get_min_height, #get_min_size, #get_min_width, #get_name, #get_next_sibling, #get_parent, #get_popup_menu_selection_from_user, #get_position, #get_prev_sibling, #get_rect, #get_screen_position, #get_screen_rect, #get_scroll_pos, #get_scroll_range, #get_scroll_thumb, #get_size, #get_sizer, #get_text_extent, #get_theme_enabled, #get_tool_tip, #get_tool_tip_text, #get_update_client_rect, #get_update_region, #get_validator, #get_virtual_size, #get_window_border_size, #get_window_style, #get_window_style_flag, #get_window_variant, #handle_as_navigation_key, #handle_window_event, #has_capture, #has_extra_style, #has_flag, #has_focus, #has_multiple_pages, #has_scrollbar, #has_transparent_background, #hide, #hide_with_effect, #inform_first_direction, #inherit_attributes, #inherits_background_colour, #inherits_foreground_colour, #init_dialog, #invalidate_best_size, #is_being_deleted, #is_descendant, #is_double_buffered, #is_enabled, #is_exposed, #is_focusable, #is_frozen, #is_retained, #is_scrollbar_always_shown, #is_shown, #is_shown_on_screen, #is_this_enabled, #is_top_level, #is_transparent_background_supported, #layout, #line_down, #line_up, #locked, #lower_window, #move, #move_after_in_tab_order, #move_before_in_tab_order, #navigate, #navigate_in, new_control_id, #on_internal_idle, #paint, #paint_buffered, #pop_event_handler, #popup_menu, #post_size_event, #post_size_event_to_parent, #process_window_event, #process_window_event_locally, #push_event_handler, #raise_window, #refresh, #refresh_rect, #register_hot_key, #release_mouse, #remove_child, #remove_event_handler, #reparent, #screen_to_client, #scroll_lines, #scroll_pages, #scroll_window, #send_size_event, #send_size_event_to_parent, #set_accelerator_table, #set_auto_layout, #set_background_colour, #set_background_style, #set_can_focus, #set_caret, #set_client_size, #set_containing_sizer, #set_cursor, #set_double_buffered, #set_drop_target, #set_event_handler, #set_extra_style, #set_focus, #set_focus_from_kbd, #set_foreground_colour, #set_help_text, #set_id, #set_initial_size, #set_label, #set_layout_direction, #set_max_client_size, #set_max_size, #set_min_client_size, #set_min_size, #set_name, #set_next_handler, #set_own_background_colour, #set_own_font, #set_own_foreground_colour, #set_position, #set_previous_handler, #set_scroll_pos, #set_scrollbar, #set_size, #set_size_hints, #set_sizer, #set_sizer_and_fit, #set_theme_enabled, #set_tool_tip, #set_transparent, #set_validator, #set_virtual_size, #set_window_style, #set_window_style_flag, #set_window_variant, #show, #show_with_effect, #switch_sizer, #thaw, #to_dip, to_dip, #to_phys, to_phys, #toggle_window_style, #transfer_data_from_window, #transfer_data_to_window, #unregister_hot_key, unreserve_control_id, #unset_tool_tip, #update, #update_window_ui, #use_background_colour, #use_bg_col, #use_foreground_colour, #validate, #warp_pointer, #window_to_client_size
Methods inherited from EvtHandler
add_filter, #add_pending_event, #call_after, clear_filters, #connect, #delete_pending_events, #disconnect, #evt_activate, #evt_activate_app, #evt_aui_pane_activated, #evt_aui_pane_button, #evt_aui_pane_close, #evt_aui_pane_maximize, #evt_aui_pane_restore, #evt_aui_render, #evt_auinotebook_allow_dnd, #evt_auinotebook_begin_drag, #evt_auinotebook_bg_dclick, #evt_auinotebook_button, #evt_auinotebook_drag_done, #evt_auinotebook_drag_motion, #evt_auinotebook_end_drag, #evt_auinotebook_page_changed, #evt_auinotebook_page_changing, #evt_auinotebook_page_close, #evt_auinotebook_page_closed, #evt_auinotebook_tab_middle_down, #evt_auinotebook_tab_middle_up, #evt_auinotebook_tab_right_down, #evt_auinotebook_tab_right_up, #evt_auitoolbar_begin_drag, #evt_auitoolbar_middle_click, #evt_auitoolbar_overflow_click, #evt_auitoolbar_right_click, #evt_auitoolbar_tool_dropdown, #evt_button, #evt_calculate_layout, #evt_calendar, #evt_calendar_page_changed, #evt_calendar_sel_changed, #evt_calendar_week_clicked, #evt_calendar_weekday_clicked, #evt_char, #evt_char_hook, #evt_checkbox, #evt_checklistbox, #evt_child_focus, #evt_choice, #evt_choicebook_page_changed, #evt_choicebook_page_changing, #evt_close, #evt_collapsiblepane_changed, #evt_colourpicker_changed, #evt_colourpicker_current_changed, #evt_colourpicker_dialog_cancelled, #evt_combobox, #evt_combobox_closeup, #evt_combobox_dropdown, #evt_command, #evt_command_enter, #evt_command_kill_focus, #evt_command_left_click, #evt_command_left_dclick, #evt_command_range, #evt_command_right_click, #evt_command_scroll, #evt_command_scroll_bottom, #evt_command_scroll_changed, #evt_command_scroll_linedown, #evt_command_scroll_lineup, #evt_command_scroll_pagedown, #evt_command_scroll_pageup, #evt_command_scroll_thumbrelease, #evt_command_scroll_thumbtrack, #evt_command_scroll_top, #evt_command_set_focus, #evt_context_menu, #evt_date_changed, #evt_dialup_connected, #evt_dialup_disconnected, #evt_dirctrl_fileactivated, #evt_dirctrl_selectionchanged, #evt_dirpicker_changed, #evt_dpi_changed, #evt_drop_files, #evt_end_session, #evt_enter_window, #evt_erase_background, #evt_filectrl_fileactivated, #evt_filectrl_filterchanged, #evt_filectrl_folderchanged, #evt_filectrl_selectionchanged, #evt_filepicker_changed, #evt_find, #evt_find_close, #evt_find_next, #evt_find_replace, #evt_find_replace_all, #evt_fontpicker_changed, #evt_fullscreen, #evt_gesture_pan, #evt_gesture_rotate, #evt_gesture_zoom, #evt_grid_cell_changed, #evt_grid_cell_changing, #evt_grid_cell_left_click, #evt_grid_cell_left_dclick, #evt_grid_cell_right_click, #evt_grid_cell_right_dclick, #evt_grid_cmd_col_size, #evt_grid_cmd_editor_created, #evt_grid_cmd_range_selected, #evt_grid_cmd_range_selecting, #evt_grid_cmd_row_size, #evt_grid_col_auto_size, #evt_grid_col_move, #evt_grid_col_size, #evt_grid_col_sort, #evt_grid_editor_created, #evt_grid_editor_hidden, #evt_grid_editor_shown, #evt_grid_label_left_click, #evt_grid_label_left_dclick, #evt_grid_label_right_click, #evt_grid_label_right_dclick, #evt_grid_range_selected, #evt_grid_range_selecting, #evt_grid_row_auto_size, #evt_grid_row_move, #evt_grid_row_size, #evt_grid_select_cell, #evt_grid_tabbing, #evt_header_begin_reorder, #evt_header_begin_resize, #evt_header_click, #evt_header_dclick, #evt_header_dragging_cancelled, #evt_header_end_reorder, #evt_header_end_resize, #evt_header_middle_click, #evt_header_middle_dclick, #evt_header_resizing, #evt_header_right_click, #evt_header_right_dclick, #evt_header_separator_dclick, #evt_help, #evt_help_range, #evt_hibernate, #evt_hotkey, #evt_html_cell_clicked, #evt_html_cell_hover, #evt_html_link_clicked, #evt_hyperlink, #evt_iconize, #evt_idle, #evt_init_dialog, #evt_joy_button_down, #evt_joy_button_up, #evt_joy_move, #evt_joy_zmove, #evt_joystick_events, #evt_key_down, #evt_key_up, #evt_kill_focus, #evt_leave_window, #evt_left_dclick, #evt_left_down, #evt_left_up, #evt_list_begin_drag, #evt_list_begin_label_edit, #evt_list_begin_rdrag, #evt_list_cache_hint, #evt_list_col_begin_drag, #evt_list_col_click, #evt_list_col_dragging, #evt_list_col_end_drag, #evt_list_col_right_click, #evt_list_delete_all_items, #evt_list_delete_item, #evt_list_end_label_edit, #evt_list_insert_item, #evt_list_item_activated, #evt_list_item_checked, #evt_list_item_deselected, #evt_list_item_focused, #evt_list_item_middle_click, #evt_list_item_right_click, #evt_list_item_selected, #evt_list_item_unchecked, #evt_list_key_down, #evt_listbook_page_changed, #evt_listbook_page_changing, #evt_listbox, #evt_listbox_dclick, #evt_long_press, #evt_magnify, #evt_maximize, #evt_media_finished, #evt_media_loaded, #evt_media_pause, #evt_media_play, #evt_media_statechanged, #evt_media_stop, #evt_menu, #evt_menu_close, #evt_menu_highlight, #evt_menu_highlight_all, #evt_menu_open, #evt_menu_range, #evt_middle_dclick, #evt_middle_down, #evt_middle_up, #evt_motion, #evt_mouse_aux1_dclick, #evt_mouse_aux1_down, #evt_mouse_aux1_up, #evt_mouse_aux2_dclick, #evt_mouse_aux2_down, #evt_mouse_aux2_up, #evt_mouse_events, #evt_mousewheel, #evt_move, #evt_move_end, #evt_move_start, #evt_moving, #evt_navigation_key, #evt_notebook_page_changed, #evt_notebook_page_changing, #evt_paint, #evt_pg_changed, #evt_pg_changing, #evt_pg_col_begin_drag, #evt_pg_col_dragging, #evt_pg_col_end_drag, #evt_pg_double_click, #evt_pg_highlighted, #evt_pg_item_collapsed, #evt_pg_item_expanded, #evt_pg_label_edit_begin, #evt_pg_label_edit_ending, #evt_pg_page_changed, #evt_pg_right_click, #evt_pg_selected, #evt_press_and_tap, #evt_query_end_session, #evt_query_layout_info, #evt_radiobox, #evt_radiobutton, #evt_ribbonbar_help_click, #evt_ribbonbar_page_changed, #evt_ribbonbar_page_changing, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_left_dclick, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_middle_down, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_middle_up, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_right_down, #evt_ribbonbar_tab_right_up, #evt_ribbonbar_toggled, #evt_ribbonbuttonbar_clicked, #evt_ribbonbuttonbar_dropdown_clicked, #evt_ribbongallery_clicked, #evt_ribbongallery_hover_changed, #evt_ribbongallery_selected, #evt_ribbonpanel_extbutton_activated, #evt_ribbontoolbar_clicked, #evt_ribbontoolbar_dropdown_clicked, #evt_richtext_buffer_reset, #evt_richtext_character, #evt_richtext_consuming_character, #evt_richtext_content_deleted, #evt_richtext_content_inserted, #evt_richtext_delete, #evt_richtext_focus_object_changed, #evt_richtext_left_click, #evt_richtext_left_dclick, #evt_richtext_middle_click, #evt_richtext_properties_changed, #evt_richtext_return, #evt_richtext_right_click, #evt_richtext_selection_changed, #evt_richtext_style_changed, #evt_richtext_stylesheet_changed, #evt_richtext_stylesheet_replaced, #evt_richtext_stylesheet_replacing, #evt_right_dclick, #evt_right_down, #evt_right_up, #evt_sash_dragged, #evt_sash_dragged_range, #evt_scroll, #evt_scroll_bottom, #evt_scroll_changed, #evt_scroll_linedown, #evt_scroll_lineup, #evt_scroll_pagedown, #evt_scroll_pageup, #evt_scroll_thumbrelease, #evt_scroll_thumbtrack, #evt_scroll_top, #evt_scrollbar, #evt_scrollwin, #evt_scrollwin_bottom, #evt_scrollwin_linedown, #evt_scrollwin_lineup, #evt_scrollwin_pagedown, #evt_scrollwin_pageup, #evt_scrollwin_thumbrelease, #evt_scrollwin_thumbtrack, #evt_scrollwin_top, #evt_search, #evt_search_cancel, #evt_set_cursor, #evt_set_focus, #evt_show, #evt_size, #evt_slider, #evt_spin, #evt_spin_down, #evt_spin_up, #evt_spinctrl, #evt_spinctrldouble, #evt_splitter_dclick, #evt_splitter_sash_pos_changed, #evt_splitter_sash_pos_changing, #evt_splitter_sash_pos_resize, #evt_splitter_unsplit, #evt_stc_autocomp_cancelled, #evt_stc_autocomp_char_deleted, #evt_stc_autocomp_completed, #evt_stc_autocomp_selection, #evt_stc_autocomp_selection_change, #evt_stc_calltip_click, #evt_stc_change, #evt_stc_charadded, #evt_stc_clipboard_copy, #evt_stc_clipboard_paste, #evt_stc_do_drop, #evt_stc_doubleclick, #evt_stc_drag_over, #evt_stc_dwellend, #evt_stc_dwellstart, #evt_stc_hotspot_click, #evt_stc_hotspot_dclick, #evt_stc_hotspot_release_click, #evt_stc_indicator_click, #evt_stc_indicator_release, #evt_stc_macrorecord, #evt_stc_margin_right_click, #evt_stc_marginclick, #evt_stc_modified, #evt_stc_needshown, #evt_stc_painted, #evt_stc_romodifyattempt, #evt_stc_savepointleft, #evt_stc_savepointreached, #evt_stc_start_drag, #evt_stc_styleneeded, #evt_stc_updateui, #evt_stc_userlistselection, #evt_stc_zoom, #evt_sys_colour_changed, #evt_taskbar_click, #evt_taskbar_left_dclick, #evt_taskbar_left_down, #evt_taskbar_left_up, #evt_taskbar_move, #evt_taskbar_right_dclick, #evt_taskbar_right_down, #evt_taskbar_right_up, #evt_text, #evt_text_copy, #evt_text_cut, #evt_text_enter, #evt_text_maxlen, #evt_text_paste, #evt_text_url, #evt_time_changed, #evt_timer, #evt_togglebutton, #evt_tool, #evt_tool_dropdown, #evt_tool_enter, #evt_tool_range, #evt_tool_rclicked, #evt_tool_rclicked_range, #evt_toolbook_page_changed, #evt_toolbook_page_changing, #evt_tree_begin_drag, #evt_tree_begin_label_edit, #evt_tree_begin_rdrag, #evt_tree_delete_item, #evt_tree_end_drag, #evt_tree_end_label_edit, #evt_tree_get_info, #evt_tree_item_activated, #evt_tree_item_collapsed, #evt_tree_item_collapsing, #evt_tree_item_expanded, #evt_tree_item_expanding, #evt_tree_item_gettooltip, #evt_tree_item_menu, #evt_tree_item_middle_click, #evt_tree_item_right_click, #evt_tree_key_down, #evt_tree_sel_changed, #evt_tree_sel_changing, #evt_tree_set_info, #evt_tree_state_image_click, #evt_treebook_node_collapsed, #evt_treebook_node_expanded, #evt_treebook_page_changed, #evt_treebook_page_changing, #evt_two_finger_tap, #evt_update_ui, #evt_update_ui_range, #evt_window_create, #evt_window_destroy, #evt_wizard_before_page_changed, #evt_wizard_cancel, #evt_wizard_finished, #evt_wizard_help, #evt_wizard_page_changed, #evt_wizard_page_changing, #evt_wizard_page_shown, #get_client_object, #get_evt_handler_enabled, #get_next_handler, #get_previous_handler, #is_unlinked, #process_event, #process_event_locally, #process_pending_events, #queue_event, register_class, remove_filter, #safely_process_event, #set_client_object, #set_evt_handler_enabled, #set_next_handler, #try_after, #try_before, #unlink
Methods inherited from Object
#clone, #dup, #is_same_as, #un_share
Constructor Details
#initialize ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextCtrl #initialize(parent, id = -1, value = (''), pos = Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size = Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, style = Wx::RTC::RE_MULTILINE, validator = Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name = Wx::TEXT_CTRL_NAME_STR) ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextCtrl
Returns a new instance of RichTextCtrl.
219 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 219 def initialize(*args) end |
Class Method Details
.clear_available_font_names ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Clears the cache of available font names.
1907 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1907 def self.clear_available_font_names; end |
.get_available_font_names ⇒ Wx::ArrayString
Font names take a long time to retrieve, so cache them (on demand).
1903 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1903 def self.get_available_font_names; end |
Instance Method Details
#add_image(image) ⇒ Range
Adds an image to the control’s buffer.
1250 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1250 def add_image(image) end |
#add_paragraph(text) ⇒ Range
Adds a new paragraph of text to the end of the buffer.
1245 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1245 def add_paragraph(text) end |
#append_text(text) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the insertion point to the end of the buffer and writes the text.
594 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 594 def append_text(text) end |
#apply_alignment_to_selection(alignment) ⇒ Boolean
Applies the given alignment to the selection or the default style (undoable).
For alignment values, see TextAttr.
1437 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1437 def apply_alignment_to_selection(alignment) end |
#apply_bold_to_selection ⇒ Boolean
Apples bold to the selection or the default style (undoable).
1415 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1415 def apply_bold_to_selection; end |
#apply_italic_to_selection ⇒ Boolean
Applies italic to the selection or the default style (undoable).
1419 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1419 def apply_italic_to_selection; end |
#apply_style(def_) ⇒ Boolean
Applies the style sheet to the buffer, matching paragraph styles in the sheet against named styles in the buffer.
This might be useful if the styles have changed. If sheet is NULL, the sheet set with #set_style_sheet is used. Currently this applies paragraph styles only.
1444 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1444 def apply_style(def_) end |
#apply_style_sheet(styleSheet = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Applies the style sheet to the buffer, for example if the styles have changed.
1473 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1473 def apply_style_sheet(styleSheet=nil) end |
#apply_text_effect_to_selection(flags) ⇒ Boolean
Applies one or more TextAttrEffects flags to the selection (undoable).
If there is no selection, it is applied to the default style.
1430 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1430 def apply_text_effect_to_selection(flags) end |
#apply_underline_to_selection ⇒ Boolean
Applies underline to the selection or the default style (undoable).
1423 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1423 def apply_underline_to_selection; end |
#batching_undo ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if undo commands are being batched.
1354 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1354 def batching_undo; end |
#begin_alignment(alignment) ⇒ Boolean
Begins using alignment.
For alignment values, see TextAttr.
1062 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1062 def begin_alignment(alignment) end |
#begin_batch_undo(cmdName) ⇒ Boolean
Starts batching undo history for commands.
1346 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1346 def begin_batch_undo(cmdName) end |
#begin_bold ⇒ Boolean
Begins using bold.
1008 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1008 def begin_bold; end |
#begin_character_style(characterStyle) ⇒ Boolean
Begins using the named character style.
1157 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1157 def begin_character_style(characterStyle) end |
#begin_font(font) ⇒ Boolean
Begins using this font.
1042 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1042 def begin_font(font) end |
#begin_font_size(pointSize) ⇒ Boolean
Begins using the given point size.
1033 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1033 def begin_font_size(pointSize) end |
#begin_italic ⇒ Boolean
Begins using italic.
1016 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1016 def begin_italic; end |
#begin_left_indent(leftIndent, leftSubIndent = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Begins applying a left indent and subindent in tenths of a millimetre.
The subindent is an offset from the left edge of the paragraph, and is used for all but the first line in a paragraph. A positive value will cause the first line to appear to the left of the subsequent lines, and a negative value will cause the first line to be indented to the right of the subsequent lines. Wx::RTC::RichTextBuffer uses indentation to render a bulleted item. The content of the paragraph, including the first line, starts at the leftIndent plus the leftSubIndent.
1075 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1075 def begin_left_indent(leftIndent, leftSubIndent=0) end |
#begin_line_spacing(lineSpacing) ⇒ Boolean
Begins applying line spacing.
spacing is a multiple, where 10 means single-spacing, 15 means 1.5 spacing, and 20 means double spacing. The TextAttrLineSpacing constants are defined for convenience.
1106 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1106 def begin_line_spacing(lineSpacing) end |
#begin_list_style(listStyle, level = 1, number = 1) ⇒ Boolean
Begins using a specified list style.
Optionally, you can also pass a level and a number.
1179 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1179 def begin_list_style(listStyle, level=1, number=1) end |
#begin_numbered_bullet(bulletNumber, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle = (Wx::TextAttrBulletStyle::TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_ARABIC|Wx::TextAttrBulletStyle::TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_PERIOD)) ⇒ Boolean
Begins a numbered bullet.
This call will be needed for each item in the list, and the application should take care of incrementing the numbering. bulletNumber is a number, usually starting with 1. leftIndent and leftSubIndent are values in tenths of a millimetre. bulletStyle is a bitlist of the TextAttrBulletStyle values. Wx::RTC::RichTextBuffer uses indentation to render a bulleted item. The left indent is the distance between the margin and the bullet. The content of the paragraph, including the first line, starts at leftMargin + leftSubIndent. So the distance between the left edge of the bullet and the left of the actual paragraph is leftSubIndent.
1122 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1122 def begin_numbered_bullet(bulletNumber, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle=(Wx::TextAttrBulletStyle::TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_ARABIC|Wx::TextAttrBulletStyle::TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_PERIOD)) end |
#begin_paragraph_spacing(before, after) ⇒ Boolean
Begins paragraph spacing; pass the before-paragraph and after-paragraph spacing in tenths of a millimetre.
1094 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1094 def begin_paragraph_spacing(before, after) end |
#begin_paragraph_style(paragraphStyle) ⇒ Boolean
Begins applying the named paragraph style.
1166 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1166 def begin_paragraph_style(paragraphStyle) end |
#begin_right_indent(rightIndent) ⇒ Boolean
Begins a right indent, specified in tenths of a millimetre.
1084 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1084 def begin_right_indent(rightIndent) end |
#begin_standard_bullet(bulletName, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle = Wx::TextAttrBulletStyle::TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_STANDARD) ⇒ Boolean
Begins applying a symbol bullet.
1148 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1148 def begin_standard_bullet(bulletName, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle=Wx::TextAttrBulletStyle::TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_STANDARD) end |
#begin_style(style) ⇒ Boolean
Begins applying a style.
996 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 996 def begin_style(style) end |
#begin_suppress_undo ⇒ Boolean
Starts suppressing undo history for commands.
1358 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1358 def begin_suppress_undo; end |
#begin_symbol_bullet(symbol, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle = Wx::TextAttrBulletStyle::TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_SYMBOL) ⇒ Boolean
Begins applying a symbol bullet, using a character from the current font.
See #begin_numbered_bullet for an explanation of how indentation is used to render the bulleted paragraph.
1136 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1136 def begin_symbol_bullet(symbol, leftIndent, leftSubIndent, bulletStyle=Wx::TextAttrBulletStyle::TEXT_ATTR_BULLET_STYLE_SYMBOL) end |
#begin_text_colour(colour) ⇒ Boolean
Begins using this colour.
1051 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1051 def begin_text_colour(colour) end |
#begin_underline ⇒ Boolean
Begins using underlining.
1024 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1024 def begin_underline; end |
#begin_url(url, characterStyle = ('')) ⇒ Boolean
Begins applying TextAttrFlags::TEXT_ATTR_URL to the content.
Pass a URL and optionally, a character style to apply, since it is common to mark a URL with a familiar style such as blue text with underlining.
1191 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1191 def begin_url(url, characterStyle=('')) end |
#can_copy ⇒ Boolean Also known as: can_copy?
Returns true if selected content can be copied to the clipboard.
820 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 820 def can_copy; end |
#can_cut ⇒ Boolean Also known as: can_cut?
Returns true if selected content can be copied to the clipboard and deleted.
825 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 825 def can_cut; end |
#can_delete_range(container, range) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: can_delete_range?
Can we delete this range? Sends an event to the control.
1520 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1520 def can_delete_range(container, range) end |
#can_delete_selection ⇒ Boolean Also known as: can_delete_selection?
Returns true if selected content can be deleted.
835 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 835 def can_delete_selection; end |
#can_edit_properties(obj) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: can_edit_properties?
Returns true if we can edit the object’s properties via a GUI.
1494 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1494 def can_edit_properties(obj) end |
#can_insert_content(container, pos) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: can_insert_content?
Can we insert content at this position? Sends an event to the control.
1527 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1527 def can_insert_content(container, pos) end |
#can_paste ⇒ Boolean Also known as: can_paste?
Returns true if the clipboard content can be pasted to the buffer.
830 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 830 def can_paste; end |
#can_redo ⇒ Boolean Also known as: can_redo?
Returns true if there is a command in the command history that can be redone.
853 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 853 def can_redo; end |
#can_undo ⇒ Boolean Also known as: can_undo?
Returns true if there is a command in the command history that can be undone.
848 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 848 def can_undo; end |
#clear ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Clears the buffer content, leaving a single empty paragraph.
Cannot be undone.
497 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 497 def clear; end |
#clear_list_style(range, flags = Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO) ⇒ Boolean
Clears the list style from the given range, clearing list-related attributes and applying any named paragraph style associated with each paragraph.
flags is a bit list of the following:
Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO: specifies that this command will be undoable.
707 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 707 def clear_list_style(range, flags=Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO) end |
#command(event) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Sends the event to the control.
1621 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1621 def command(event) end |
#copy ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Copies the selected content (if any) to the clipboard.
800 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 800 def copy; end |
#create(parent, id = -1,, value = (''), pos = Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size = Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, style = Wx::RTC::RE_MULTILINE, validator = Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name = Wx::TEXT_CTRL_NAME_STR) ⇒ Boolean
Creates the underlying window.
231 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 231 def create(parent, id=-1, value=(''), pos=Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size=Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, style=Wx::RTC::RE_MULTILINE, validator=Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name=Wx::TEXT_CTRL_NAME_STR) end |
#cut ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Copies the selected content (if any) to the clipboard and deletes the selection.
This is undoable.
806 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 806 def cut; end |
#delete(range) ⇒ Boolean
Deletes the content within the given range.
787 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 787 def delete(range) end |
#delete_selected_content ⇒ Integer?
Deletes content if there is a selection, e.g.
when pressing a key. Returns the new caret position in newPos, or leaves it if there was no action. This is undoable.
1726 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1726 def delete_selected_content; end |
#delete_selection ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Deletes the content in the selection, if any.
This is undoable.
816 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 816 def delete_selection; end |
#discard_edits ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the buffer’s modified status to false, and clears the buffer’s command history.
571 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 571 def discard_edits; end |
#do_load_file(file, fileType) ⇒ Boolean
Helper function for #load_file.
Loads content into the control’s buffer using the given type. If the specified type is Wx::RTC::RichTextFileType::RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY, the type is deduced from the filename extension. This function looks for a suitable Wx::RTC::RichTextFileHandler object.
529 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 529 def do_load_file(file, fileType) end |
#do_save_file(file = (''), fileType = Wx::RTC::RichTextFileType::RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY) ⇒ Boolean
Helper function for #save_file.
Saves the buffer content using the given type. If the specified type is Wx::RTC::RichTextFileType::RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY, the type is deduced from the filename extension. This function looks for a suitable Wx::RTC::RichTextFileHandler object.
548 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 548 def do_save_file(file=(''), fileType=Wx::RTC::RichTextFileType::RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY) end |
#does_selection_have_text_effect_flag(flag) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if all of the selection, or the content at the current caret position, has the supplied TextAttrEffects flag(s).
1405 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1405 def does_selection_have_text_effect_flag(flag) end |
#each_line {|line| ... } ⇒ Object, Enumerator
Yield each line to the given block. Returns an Enumerator if no block given.
18 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 18 def each_line; end |
#edit_properties(obj, parent) ⇒ Boolean
Edits the object’s properties via a GUI.
1501 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1501 def edit_properties(obj, parent) end |
#enable_delayed_image_loading(b) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Enable or disable delayed image loading.
1771 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1771 def enable_delayed_image_loading(b) end |
#enable_images(b) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Enable or disable images.
1761 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1761 def enable_images(b) end |
#enable_virtual_attributes(b) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Pass true to let the control use virtual attributes.
The default is false.
1616 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1616 def enable_virtual_attributes(b) end |
#end_alignment ⇒ Boolean
Ends alignment.
1066 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1066 def end_alignment; end |
#end_all_styles ⇒ Boolean
Ends application of all styles in the current style stack.
1004 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1004 def end_all_styles; end |
#end_batch_undo ⇒ Boolean
Ends batching undo command history.
1350 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1350 def end_batch_undo; end |
#end_bold ⇒ Boolean
Ends using bold.
1012 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1012 def end_bold; end |
#end_character_style ⇒ Boolean
Ends application of a named character style.
1161 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1161 def end_character_style; end |
#end_font ⇒ Boolean
Ends using a font.
1046 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1046 def end_font; end |
#end_font_size ⇒ Boolean
Ends using a point size.
1037 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1037 def end_font_size; end |
#end_italic ⇒ Boolean
Ends using italic.
1020 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1020 def end_italic; end |
#end_left_indent ⇒ Boolean
Ends left indent.
1079 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1079 def end_left_indent; end |
#end_line_spacing ⇒ Boolean
Ends line spacing.
1110 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1110 def end_line_spacing; end |
#end_list_style ⇒ Boolean
Ends using a specified list style.
1183 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1183 def end_list_style; end |
#end_numbered_bullet ⇒ Boolean
Ends application of a numbered bullet.
1126 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1126 def end_numbered_bullet; end |
#end_paragraph_spacing ⇒ Boolean
Ends paragraph spacing.
1098 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1098 def end_paragraph_spacing; end |
#end_paragraph_style ⇒ Boolean
Ends application of a named paragraph style.
1170 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1170 def end_paragraph_style; end |
#end_right_indent ⇒ Boolean
Ends right indent.
1088 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1088 def end_right_indent; end |
#end_standard_bullet ⇒ Boolean
Begins applying a standard bullet.
1152 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1152 def end_standard_bullet; end |
#end_style ⇒ Boolean
Ends the current style.
1000 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1000 def end_style; end |
#end_suppress_undo ⇒ Boolean
Ends suppressing undo command history.
1362 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1362 def end_suppress_undo; end |
#end_symbol_bullet ⇒ Boolean
Ends applying a symbol bullet.
1140 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1140 def end_symbol_bullet; end |
#end_text_colour ⇒ Boolean
Ends applying a text colour.
1055 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1055 def end_text_colour; end |
#end_underline ⇒ Boolean
End applying underlining.
1028 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1028 def end_underline; end |
#end_url ⇒ Boolean
Ends applying a URL.
1195 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1195 def end_url; end |
#extend_cell_selection(table, noRowSteps, noColSteps) ⇒ Boolean
Extends a table selection in the given direction.
1655 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1655 def extend_cell_selection(table, noRowSteps, noColSteps) end |
#extend_selection(oldPosition, newPosition, flags) ⇒ Boolean
Helper function for extending the selection, returning true if the selection was changed.
Selections are in caret positions.
1648 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1648 def extend_selection(oldPosition, newPosition, flags) end |
#find_caret_position_for_character_position(position, hitTestFlags, container) ⇒ Array(Integer,Boolean)
Find the caret position for the combination of hit-test flags and character position.
Returns the caret position and also an indication of where to place the caret (caretLineStart) since this is ambiguous (same position used for end of line and start of next).
1872 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1872 def find_caret_position_for_character_position(position, hitTestFlags, container) end |
#find_next_word_position(direction = 1) ⇒ Integer
Helper function for finding the caret position for the next word.
Direction is 1 (forward) or -1 (backwards).
1745 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1745 def find_next_word_position(direction=1) end |
#find_range_for_list(pos) ⇒ Array(Range,Boolean)
Given a character position at which there is a list style, find the range encompassing the same list style by looking backwards and forwards.
1855 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1855 def find_range_for_list(pos) end |
#force_delayed_layout ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
348 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 348 def force_delayed_layout; end |
#get_adjusted_caret_position(caretPos) ⇒ Integer Also known as: adjusted_caret_position
The adjusted caret position is the character position adjusted to take into account whether we’re at the start of a paragraph, in which case style information should be taken from the next position, not current one.
1686 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1686 def get_adjusted_caret_position(caretPos) end |
#get_basic_style ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextAttr Also known as: basic_style
Gets the basic (overall) style.
This is the style of the whole buffer before further styles are applied, unlike the default style, which only affects the style currently being applied (for example, setting the default style to bold will cause subsequently inserted text to be bold).
990 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 990 def get_basic_style; end |
#get_buffer ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextBuffer Also known as: buffer
1340 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1340 def get_buffer; end |
#get_caret_at_line_start ⇒ Boolean Also known as: caret_at_line_start
Returns true if we are showing the caret position at the start of a line instead of at the end of the previous one.
374 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 374 def get_caret_at_line_start; end |
#get_caret_position ⇒ Integer Also known as: caret_position
Returns the current caret position.
1680 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1680 def get_caret_position; end |
#get_caret_position_for_default_style ⇒ Integer Also known as: caret_position_for_default_style
Returns the caret position since the default formatting was changed.
As soon as this position changes, we no longer reflect the default style in the UI. A value of -2 means that we should only reflect the style of the content under the caret.
1804 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1804 def get_caret_position_for_default_style; end |
#get_caret_position_for_index(position, rect, container = nil) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: caret_position_for_index
Returns the caret height and position for the given character position.
If container is null, the current focus object will be used.
1706 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1706 def get_caret_position_for_index(position, rect, container=nil) end |
#get_command_processor ⇒ Wx::RTC::CommandProcessor Also known as: command_processor
Gets the command processor associated with the control’s buffer.
1719 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1719 def get_command_processor; end |
#get_context_menu ⇒ Wx::Menu Also known as:
Returns the current context menu.
431 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 431 def ; end |
#get_context_menu_properties_info ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextContextMenuPropertiesInfo Also known as:
467 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 467 def ; end |
#get_default_style_ex ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextAttr Also known as: default_style_ex
Returns the current default style, which can be used to change how subsequently inserted text is displayed.
685 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 685 def get_default_style_ex; end |
#get_delayed_image_loading ⇒ Boolean Also known as: delayed_image_loading
Returns true if delayed image loading is enabled.
1775 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1775 def get_delayed_image_loading; end |
#get_delayed_image_processing_required ⇒ Boolean Also known as: delayed_image_processing_required
Gets the flag indicating that delayed image processing is required.
1780 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1780 def get_delayed_image_processing_required; end |
#get_delayed_image_processing_time ⇒ Integer Also known as: delayed_image_processing_time
Returns the last time delayed image processing was performed.
1791 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1791 def get_delayed_image_processing_time; end |
#get_delayed_layout_threshold ⇒ Integer Also known as: delayed_layout_threshold
Gets the size of the buffer beyond which layout is delayed during resizing.
This optimizes sizing for large buffers. The default is 20000.
317 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 317 def get_delayed_layout_threshold; end |
#get_dimension_scale ⇒ Float Also known as: dimension_scale
Returns the scale factor for displaying certain dimensions such as indentation and inter-paragraph spacing.
1553 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1553 def get_dimension_scale; end |
#get_drag_start_point ⇒ Wx::Point Also known as: drag_start_point
Get the possible Drag’n’Drop start point.
407 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 407 def get_drag_start_point; end |
#get_drag_start_time ⇒ Wx::DateTime Also known as: drag_start_time
Get the possible Drag’n’Drop start time.
419 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 419 def get_drag_start_time; end |
#get_dragging ⇒ Boolean Also known as: dragging
Returns true if we are extending a selection.
385 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 385 def get_dragging; end |
#get_filename ⇒ String Also known as: filename
Gets the current filename associated with the control.
296 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 296 def get_filename; end |
#get_first_visible_point ⇒ Wx::Point Also known as: first_visible_point
Returns the first visible point in the window.
1832 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1832 def get_first_visible_point; end |
#get_first_visible_position ⇒ Integer Also known as: first_visible_position
Returns the first visible position in the current view.
1755 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1755 def get_first_visible_position; end |
#get_focus_object ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextParagraphLayoutBox Also known as: focus_object
Returns the Wx::RTC::RichTextObject object that currently has the editing focus.
If there are no composite objects, this will be the top-level buffer.
474 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 474 def get_focus_object; end |
#get_font_scale ⇒ Float Also known as: font_scale
Returns the scale factor for displaying fonts, for example for more comfortable editing.
1539 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1539 def get_font_scale; end |
#get_full_layout_required ⇒ Boolean Also known as: full_layout_required
321 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 321 def get_full_layout_required; end |
#get_full_layout_saved_position ⇒ Integer Also known as: full_layout_saved_position
339 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 339 def get_full_layout_saved_position; end |
#get_full_layout_time ⇒ Integer Also known as: full_layout_time
330 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 330 def get_full_layout_time; end |
#get_handler_flags ⇒ Integer Also known as: handler_flags
Returns flags that change the behaviour of loading or saving.
See the documentation for each handler class to see what flags are relevant for each handler.
562 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 562 def get_handler_flags; end |
#get_images_enabled ⇒ Boolean Also known as: images_enabled
Returns true if images are enabled.
1765 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1765 def get_images_enabled; end |
#get_insertion_point ⇒ Integer Also known as: insertion_point
Returns the current insertion point.
868 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 868 def get_insertion_point; end |
#get_internal_selection_range ⇒ Range Also known as: internal_selection_range
Returns the selection range in character positions.
-2, -2 means no selection -1, -1 means select everything. The range is in internal format, i.e. a single character selection is denoted by (n, n)
1231 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1231 def get_internal_selection_range; end |
#get_last_position ⇒ Wx::TextPos Also known as: last_position
Returns the last position in the buffer.
873 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 873 def get_last_position; end |
#get_line_length(lineNo) ⇒ Integer Also known as: line_length
Returns the length of the specified line in characters.
249 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 249 def get_line_length(lineNo) end |
#get_line_text(lineNo) ⇒ String Also known as: line_text
Returns the text for the given line.
255 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 255 def get_line_text(lineNo) end |
#get_logical_point(ptPhysical) ⇒ Wx::Point Also known as: logical_point
Transforms physical window position to logical (unscrolled) position.
1737 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1737 def get_logical_point(ptPhysical) end |
#get_number_of_lines ⇒ Integer Also known as: number_of_lines
Returns the number of lines in the buffer.
260 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 260 def get_number_of_lines; end |
#get_physical_point(ptLogical) ⇒ Wx::Point Also known as: physical_point
Transforms logical (unscrolled) position to physical window position.
1731 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1731 def get_physical_point(ptLogical) end |
#get_pre_drag ⇒ Boolean Also known as: pre_drag
Are we trying to start Drag’n’Drop?
396 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 396 def get_pre_drag; end |
#get_properties_menu_label(obj) ⇒ String Also known as:
Gets the object’s properties menu label.
1506 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1506 def (obj) end |
#get_range(from, to) ⇒ String Also known as: range
Gets the text for the given range.
The end point of range is specified as the last character position of the span of text, plus one.
243 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 243 def get_range(from, to) end |
#get_scale ⇒ Float Also known as: scale
Returns an overall scale factor for displaying and editing the content.
1565 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1565 def get_scale; end |
#get_scaled_point(pt) ⇒ Wx::Point Also known as: scaled_point
Returns a scaled point.
1577 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1577 def get_scaled_point(pt) end |
#get_scaled_rect(rect) ⇒ Wx::Rect Also known as: scaled_rect
Returns a scaled rectangle.
1601 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1601 def get_scaled_rect(rect) end |
#get_scaled_size(sz) ⇒ Wx::Size Also known as: scaled_size
Returns a scaled size.
1589 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1589 def get_scaled_size(sz) end |
#get_selection ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextSelection Also known as: selection
286 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 286 def get_selection; end |
#get_selection_anchor ⇒ Integer Also known as: selection_anchor
Returns an anchor so we know how to extend the selection.
It’s a caret position since it’s between two characters.
444 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 444 def get_selection_anchor; end |
#get_selection_anchor_object ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextObject Also known as: selection_anchor_object
Returns the anchor object if selecting multiple containers.
457 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 457 def get_selection_anchor_object; end |
#get_selection_range ⇒ Range Also known as: selection_range
Returns the selection range in character positions.
-1, -1 means no selection. The range is in API convention, i.e. a single character selection is denoted by (n, n+1)
1215 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1215 def get_selection_range; end |
#get_string_selection ⇒ String Also known as: string_selection
Returns the text within the current selection range, if any.
291 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 291 def get_string_selection; end |
#get_style(position, style) ⇒ Boolean #get_style(position, style) ⇒ Boolean #get_style(position, style, container) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: style
613 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 613 def get_style(*args) end |
#get_style_for_range(range, style) ⇒ Boolean #get_style_for_range(range, style, container) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: style_for_range
636 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 636 def get_style_for_range(*args) end |
#get_style_sheet ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextStyleSheet Also known as: style_sheet
Returns the style sheet associated with the control, if any.
A style sheet allows named character and paragraph styles to be applied.
1458 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1458 def get_style_sheet; end |
#get_text_cursor ⇒ Wx::Cursor Also known as: text_cursor
Returns the text (normal) cursor.
358 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 358 def get_text_cursor; end |
#get_uncombined_style(position, style) ⇒ Boolean #get_uncombined_style(position, style, container) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: uncombined_style
670 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 670 def get_uncombined_style(*args) end |
#get_unscaled_point(pt) ⇒ Wx::Point Also known as: unscaled_point
Returns an unscaled point.
1571 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1571 def get_unscaled_point(pt) end |
#get_unscaled_rect(rect) ⇒ Wx::Rect Also known as: unscaled_rect
Returns an unscaled rectangle.
1595 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1595 def get_unscaled_rect(rect) end |
#get_unscaled_size(sz) ⇒ Wx::Size Also known as: unscaled_size
Returns an unscaled size.
1583 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1583 def get_unscaled_size(sz) end |
#get_url_cursor ⇒ Wx::Cursor Also known as: url_cursor
Returns the cursor to be used over URLs.
369 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 369 def get_url_cursor; end |
#get_value ⇒ String Also known as: value
Returns the content of the entire control as a string.
1837 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1837 def get_value; end |
#get_virtual_attributes_enabled ⇒ Boolean Also known as: virtual_attributes_enabled
Returns true if this control can use virtual attributes and virtual text.
The default is false.
1608 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1608 def get_virtual_attributes_enabled; end |
#get_visible_line_for_caret_position(caretPosition) ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextLine Also known as: visible_line_for_caret_position
Internal helper function returning the line for the visible caret position.
If the caret is shown at the very end of the line, it means the next character is actually on the following line. So this function gets the line we’re expecting to find if this is the case.
1714 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1714 def get_visible_line_for_caret_position(caretPosition) end |
#has_character_attributes(range, style) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: has_character_attributes?
Test if this whole range has character attributes of the specified kind.
If any of the attributes are different within the range, the test fails. You can use this to implement, for example, bold button updating. style must have flags indicating which attributes are of interest.
1375 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1375 def has_character_attributes(range, style) end |
#has_paragraph_attributes(range, style) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: has_paragraph_attributes?
Test if this whole range has paragraph attributes of the specified kind.
If any of the attributes are different within the range, the test fails. You can use this to implement, for example, centering button updating. style must have flags indicating which attributes are of interest.
1384 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1384 def has_paragraph_attributes(range, style) end |
#has_selection ⇒ Boolean Also known as: has_selection?
Returns true if there is a selection and the object containing the selection was the same as the current focus object.
902 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 902 def has_selection; end |
#has_unfocused_selection ⇒ Boolean Also known as: has_unfocused_selection?
Returns true if there was a selection, whether or not the current focus object is the same as the selection’s container object.
907 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 907 def has_unfocused_selection; end |
#hit_test(pt) ⇒ Array(Wx::TextCtrlHitTestResult,Integer,Integer)
796 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 796 def hit_test(pt) end |
#init ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Initialises the members of the control.
235 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 235 def init; end |
#invalidate ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Invalidates the whole buffer to trigger painting later.
491 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 491 def invalidate; end |
#is_default_style_showing ⇒ Boolean Also known as: default_style_showing?
Returns true if the user has recently set the default style without moving the caret, and therefore the UI needs to reflect the default style and not the style at the caret.
Below is an example of code that uses this function to determine whether the UI should show that the current style is bold.
1818 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1818 def is_default_style_showing; end |
#is_editable ⇒ Boolean Also known as: editable?
Returns true if the control is editable.
270 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 270 def is_editable; end |
#is_modified ⇒ Boolean Also known as: modified?
Returns true if the buffer has been modified.
265 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 265 def is_modified; end |
#is_multi_line ⇒ Boolean Also known as: multi_line?
Returns true if the control is multiline.
282 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 282 def is_multi_line; end |
#is_position_visible(pos) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: position_visible?
Returns true if the given position is visible on the screen.
1750 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1750 def is_position_visible(pos) end |
#is_selection_aligned(alignment) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: selection_aligned?
Returns true if all of the selection is aligned according to the specified flag.
1410 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1410 def is_selection_aligned(alignment) end |
#is_selection_bold ⇒ Boolean Also known as: selection_bold?
Returns true if all of the selection, or the content at the caret position, is bold.
1389 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1389 def is_selection_bold; end |
#is_selection_italics ⇒ Boolean Also known as: selection_italics?
Returns true if all of the selection, or the content at the caret position, is italic.
1394 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1394 def is_selection_italics; end |
#is_selection_underlined ⇒ Boolean Also known as: selection_underlined?
Returns true if all of the selection, or the content at the caret position, is underlined.
1399 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1399 def is_selection_underlined; end |
#is_single_line ⇒ Boolean Also known as: single_line?
Returns true if the control is single-line.
Currently Wx::RTC::RichTextCtrl does not support single-line editing.
277 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 277 def is_single_line; end |
#line_break ⇒ Boolean
Inserts a line break at the current insertion point.
A line break forces wrapping within a paragraph, and can be introduced by using this function, by appending the Char value Wx::RICH_TEXT_LINE_BREAK_CHAR to text content, or by typing Shift-Return.
976 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 976 def line_break; end |
#load_file(file, type = Wx::RTC::RichTextFileType::RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY) ⇒ Boolean
Loads content into the control’s buffer using the given type.
If the specified type is Wx::RTC::RichTextFileType::RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY, the type is deduced from the filename extension. This function looks for a suitable Wx::RTC::RichTextFileHandler object.
519 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 519 def load_file(file, type=Wx::RTC::RichTextFileType::RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY) end |
#mark_dirty ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Marks the buffer as modified.
567 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 567 def mark_dirty; end |
#move_caret(pos, showAtLineStart = false, container = nil) ⇒ Boolean
Move the caret to the given character position.
Please note that this does not update the current editing style from the new position; to do that, call #set_insertion_point instead.
1259 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1259 def move_caret(pos, showAtLineStart=false, container=nil) end |
#move_caret_back(oldPosition) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Move the caret one visual step forward: this may mean setting a flag and keeping the same position if we’re going from the end of one line to the start of the next, which may be the exact same caret position.
1697 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1697 def move_caret_back(oldPosition) end |
#move_caret_forward(oldPosition) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Move the caret one visual step forward: this may mean setting a flag and keeping the same position if we’re going from the end of one line to the start of the next, which may be the exact same caret position.
1692 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1692 def move_caret_forward(oldPosition) end |
#move_down(noLines = 1, flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves the caret down.
1283 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1283 def move_down(noLines=1, flags=0) end |
#move_end(flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves to the end of the buffer.
1313 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1313 def move_end(flags=0) end |
#move_home(flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves to the start of the buffer.
1308 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1308 def move_home(flags=0) end |
#move_left(noPositions = 1, flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves left.
1271 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1271 def move_left(noPositions=1, flags=0) end |
#move_right(noPositions = 1, flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves right.
1265 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1265 def move_right(noPositions=1, flags=0) end |
#move_to_line_end(flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves to the end of the line.
1288 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1288 def move_to_line_end(flags=0) end |
#move_to_line_start(flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves to the start of the line.
1293 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1293 def move_to_line_start(flags=0) end |
#move_to_paragraph_end(flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves to the end of the paragraph.
1298 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1298 def move_to_paragraph_end(flags=0) end |
#move_to_paragraph_start(flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves to the start of the paragraph.
1303 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1303 def move_to_paragraph_start(flags=0) end |
#move_up(noLines = 1, flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves to the start of the paragraph.
1277 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1277 def move_up(noLines=1, flags=0) end |
#newline ⇒ Boolean
Inserts a new paragraph at the current insertion point.
970 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 970 def newline; end |
#number_list(range, def_ = nil, flags = Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, startFrom = 1, specifiedLevel = -1) ⇒ Boolean #number_list(range, defName, flags = Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, startFrom = 1, specifiedLevel = -1) ⇒ Boolean
735 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 735 def number_list(*args) end |
#on_timer(event) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Respond to timer events.
1899 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1899 def on_timer(event) end |
#page_down(noPages = 1, flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves one or more pages down.
1325 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1325 def page_down(noPages=1, flags=0) end |
#page_up(noPages = 1, flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves one or more pages up.
1319 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1319 def page_up(noPages=1, flags=0) end |
#paste ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Pastes content from the clipboard to the buffer.
810 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 810 def paste; end |
#pop_style_sheet ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextStyleSheet
Pops the style sheet from top of stack.
1468 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1468 def pop_style_sheet; end |
#position_caret(container = nil) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Internal function to position the visible caret according to the current caret position.
1639 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1639 def position_caret(container=nil) end |
#prepare_content(container) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Prepares the content just before insertion (or after buffer reset).
Called by the same function in Wx::RTC::RichTextBuffer. Currently is only called if undo mode is on.
1514 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1514 def prepare_content(container) end |
#prepare_context_menu(menu, pt, addPropertyCommands) ⇒ Integer
Prepares the context menu, optionally adding appropriate property-editing commands.
Returns the number of property commands added.
1489 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1489 def (, pt, addPropertyCommands) end |
#process_back_key(event, flags) ⇒ Boolean
Processes the back key.
1850 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1850 def process_back_key(event, flags) end |
#process_delayed_image_loading(refresh) ⇒ Boolean #process_delayed_image_loading(screenRect, box) ⇒ Array(Boolean,Integer)
1890 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1890 def process_delayed_image_loading(*args) end |
#process_mouse_movement(container, obj, position, pos) ⇒ Boolean
Processes mouse movement in order to change the cursor.
1880 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1880 def process_mouse_movement(container, obj, position, pos) end |
#promote_list(promoteBy, range, def_ = nil, flags = Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, specifiedLevel = -1) ⇒ Boolean #promote_list(promoteBy, range, defName, flags = Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, specifiedLevel = -1) ⇒ Boolean
764 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 764 def promote_list(*args) end |
#push_style_sheet(styleSheet) ⇒ Boolean
Push the style sheet to top of stack.
1464 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1464 def push_style_sheet(styleSheet) end |
#redo_ ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Redoes the current command.
844 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 844 def redo_; end |
#refresh_for_selection_change(oldSelection, newSelection) ⇒ Boolean
Refreshes the area affected by a selection change.
1667 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1667 def refresh_for_selection_change(oldSelection, newSelection) end |
#remove(from, to) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Removes the content in the specified range.
510 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 510 def remove(from, to) end |
#replace(from, to, value) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Replaces the content in the specified range with the string specified by value.
504 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 504 def replace(from, to, value) end |
#request_delayed_image_processing ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Request delayed image processing.
1894 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1894 def request_delayed_image_processing; end |
#save_file(file = (''), type = Wx::RTC::RichTextFileType::RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY) ⇒ Boolean
Saves the buffer content using the given type.
If the specified type is Wx::RTC::RichTextFileType::RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY, the type is deduced from the filename extension. This function looks for a suitable Wx::RTC::RichTextFileHandler object.
538 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 538 def save_file(file=(''), type=Wx::RTC::RichTextFileType::RICHTEXT_TYPE_ANY) end |
#select_all ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Selects all the text in the buffer.
892 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 892 def select_all; end |
#select_none ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Cancels any selection.
1203 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1203 def select_none; end |
#select_word(position) ⇒ Boolean
Selects the word at the given character position.
1208 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1208 def select_word(position) end |
#set_and_show_default_style(attr) ⇒ void Also known as: and_show_default_style=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets attr as the default style and tells the control that the UI should reflect this attribute until the user moves the caret.
1827 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1827 def set_and_show_default_style(attr) end |
#set_basic_style(style) ⇒ void Also known as: basic_style=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the basic (overall) style.
This is the style of the whole buffer before further styles are applied, unlike the default style, which only affects the style currently being applied (for example, setting the default style to bold will cause subsequently inserted text to be bold).
983 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 983 def set_basic_style(style) end |
#set_caret_at_line_start(atStart) ⇒ void Also known as: caret_at_line_start=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets a flag to remember that we are showing the caret position at the start of a line instead of at the end of the previous one.
380 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 380 def set_caret_at_line_start(atStart) end |
#set_caret_position(position, showAtLineStart = false) ⇒ void Also known as: caret_position=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the caret position.
The caret position is the character position just before the caret. A value of -1 means the caret is at the start of the buffer. Please note that this does not update the current editing style from the new position or cause the actual caret to be refreshed; to do that, call #set_insertion_point instead.
1675 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1675 def set_caret_position(position, showAtLineStart=false) end |
#set_caret_position_after_click(container, position, hitTestFlags, extendSelection = false) ⇒ Boolean
Sets up the caret for the given position and container, after a mouse click.
1863 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1863 def set_caret_position_after_click(container, position, hitTestFlags, extendSelection=false) end |
#set_caret_position_for_default_style(pos) ⇒ void Also known as: caret_position_for_default_style=
This method returns an undefined value.
Set the caret position for the default style that the user is selecting.
1810 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1810 def set_caret_position_for_default_style(pos) end |
#set_context_menu(menu) ⇒ void Also known as:
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the current context menu.
437 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 437 def () end |
#set_default_style(style) ⇒ Boolean #set_default_style(style) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: default_style=
680 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 680 def set_default_style(*args) end |
#set_default_style_to_cursor_style ⇒ Boolean
Sets the default style to the style under the cursor.
1199 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1199 def set_default_style_to_cursor_style; end |
#set_delayed_image_processing_required(b) ⇒ void Also known as: delayed_image_processing_required=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the flag indicating that delayed image processing is required.
1786 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1786 def set_delayed_image_processing_required(b) end |
#set_delayed_image_processing_time(t) ⇒ void Also known as: delayed_image_processing_time=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the last time delayed image processing was performed.
1797 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1797 def set_delayed_image_processing_time(t) end |
#set_delayed_layout_threshold(threshold) ⇒ void Also known as: delayed_layout_threshold=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the size of the buffer beyond which layout is delayed during resizing.
This optimizes sizing for large buffers. The default is 20000.
310 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 310 def set_delayed_layout_threshold(threshold) end |
#set_dimension_scale(dimScale, refresh = false) ⇒ void Also known as: dimension_scale=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the scale factor for displaying certain dimensions such as indentation and inter-paragraph spacing.
This can be useful when editing in a small control where you still want legible text, but a minimum of wasted white space.
1548 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1548 def set_dimension_scale(dimScale, refresh=false) end |
#set_drag_start_point(sp) ⇒ void Also known as: drag_start_point=
This method returns an undefined value.
Set the possible Drag’n’Drop start point.
413 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 413 def set_drag_start_point(sp) end |
#set_drag_start_time(st) ⇒ void Also known as: drag_start_time=
This method returns an undefined value.
Set the possible Drag’n’Drop start time.
426 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 426 def set_drag_start_time(st) end |
#set_dragging(dragging) ⇒ void Also known as: dragging=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets a flag to remember if we are extending a selection.
391 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 391 def set_dragging(dragging) end |
#set_editable(editable) ⇒ void Also known as: editable=
This method returns an undefined value.
Makes the control editable, or not.
897 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 897 def set_editable(editable) end |
#set_filename(filename) ⇒ void Also known as: filename=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the current filename.
302 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 302 def set_filename(filename) end |
#set_focus_object(obj, setCaretPosition = true) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: focus_object=
Sets the Wx::RTC::RichTextObject object that currently has the editing focus.
486 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 486 def set_focus_object(obj, setCaretPosition=true) end |
#set_font(font) ⇒ Boolean Also known as: font=
Sets the font, and also the basic and default attributes (see #set_default_style).
1626 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1626 def set_font(font) end |
#set_font_scale(fontScale, refresh = false) ⇒ void Also known as: font_scale=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the scale factor for displaying fonts, for example for more comfortable editing.
1534 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1534 def set_font_scale(fontScale, refresh=false) end |
#set_full_layout_required(b) ⇒ void Also known as: full_layout_required=
This method returns an undefined value.
326 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 326 def set_full_layout_required(b) end |
#set_full_layout_saved_position(p) ⇒ void Also known as: full_layout_saved_position=
This method returns an undefined value.
344 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 344 def set_full_layout_saved_position(p) end |
#set_full_layout_time(t) ⇒ void Also known as: full_layout_time=
This method returns an undefined value.
335 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 335 def set_full_layout_time(t) end |
#set_handler_flags(flags) ⇒ void Also known as: handler_flags=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets flags that change the behaviour of loading or saving.
See the documentation for each handler class to see what flags are relevant for each handler.
555 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 555 def set_handler_flags(flags) end |
#set_insertion_point(pos) ⇒ void Also known as: insertion_point=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the insertion point and causes the current editing style to be taken from the new position (unlike #set_caret_position).
859 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 859 def set_insertion_point(pos) end |
#set_insertion_point_end ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the insertion point to the end of the text control.
864 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 864 def set_insertion_point_end; end |
#set_internal_selection_range(range) ⇒ void Also known as: internal_selection_range=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the selection range in character positions.
-2, -2 means no selection -1, -1 means select everything. The range is in internal format, i.e. a single character selection is denoted by (n, n)
1239 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1239 def set_internal_selection_range(range) end |
#set_list_style(range, defName, flags = Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, startFrom = 1, specifiedLevel = -1)) ⇒ Boolean
694 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 694 def set_list_style(range, defName, flags=Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO, startFrom=1, specifiedLevel=-1) end |
#set_max_length(len) ⇒ void Also known as: max_length=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the maximum number of characters that may be entered in a single line text control.
For compatibility only; currently does nothing.
583 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 583 def set_max_length(len) end |
#set_modified(modified) ⇒ void Also known as: modified=
This method returns an undefined value.
575 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 575 def set_modified(modified) end |
#set_pre_drag(pd) ⇒ void Also known as: pre_drag=
This method returns an undefined value.
Set if we’re trying to start Drag’n’Drop.
402 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 402 def set_pre_drag(pd) end |
#set_properties(range, properties, flags = Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETPROPERTIES_WITH_UNDO) ⇒ Boolean
Sets the properties for the given range, passing flags to determine how the attributes are set.
You can merge properties or replace them. The end point of range is specified as the last character position of the span of text, plus one. So, for example, to set the properties for a character at position 5, use the range (5,6). flags may contain a bit list of the following values:
Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETPROPERTIES_WITH_UNDO: specifies that this operation should be undoable.
Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETPROPERTIES_PARAGRAPHS_ONLY: specifies that the properties should only be applied to paragraphs, and not the content.
Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETPROPERTIES_CHARACTERS_ONLY: specifies that the properties should only be applied to characters, and not the paragraph.
Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETPROPERTIES_RESET: resets (clears) the existing properties before applying the new properties.
Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETPROPERTIES_REMOVE: removes the specified properties.
782 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 782 def set_properties(range, properties, flags=Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETPROPERTIES_WITH_UNDO) end |
#set_scale(scale, refresh = false) ⇒ void Also known as: scale=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets an overall scale factor for displaying and editing the content.
1560 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1560 def set_scale(scale, refresh=false) end |
#set_selection(from, to) ⇒ void #set_selection(sel) ⇒ void Also known as: selection=
887 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 887 def set_selection(*args) end |
#set_selection_anchor(anchor) ⇒ void Also known as: selection_anchor=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets an anchor so we know how to extend the selection.
It’s a caret position since it’s between two characters.
452 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 452 def set_selection_anchor(anchor) end |
#set_selection_anchor_object(anchor) ⇒ void Also known as: selection_anchor_object=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the anchor object if selecting multiple containers.
463 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 463 def set_selection_anchor_object(anchor) end |
#set_selection_range(range) ⇒ void Also known as: selection_range=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the selection to the given range.
The end point of range is specified as the last character position of the span of text, plus one. So, for example, to set the selection for a character at position 5, use the range (5,6).
1224 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1224 def set_selection_range(range) end |
#set_style(start, end_, style) ⇒ Boolean #set_style(range, style) ⇒ Boolean
625 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 625 def set_style(*args) end |
#set_style_ex(range, style, flags = Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO) ⇒ Boolean
Sets the attributes for the given range, passing flags to determine how the attributes are set.
The end point of range is specified as the last character position of the span of text, plus one. So, for example, to set the style for a character at position 5, use the range (5,6). flags may contain a bit list of the following values:
Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO: specifies that this operation should be undoable.
Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_OPTIMIZE: specifies that the style should not be applied if the combined style at this point is already the style in question.
Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_PARAGRAPHS_ONLY: specifies that the style should only be applied to paragraphs, and not the content. This allows content styling to be preserved independently from that of e.g. a named paragraph style.
Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_CHARACTERS_ONLY: specifies that the style should only be applied to characters, and not the paragraph. This allows content styling to be preserved independently from that of e.g. a named paragraph style.
Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_RESET: resets (clears) the existing style before applying the new style.
Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_REMOVE: removes the specified style. Only the style flags are used in this operation.
655 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 655 def set_style_ex(range, style, flags=Wx::RTC::RICHTEXT_SETSTYLE_WITH_UNDO) end |
#set_style_sheet(styleSheet) ⇒ void Also known as: style_sheet=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the style sheet associated with the control.
A style sheet allows named character and paragraph styles to be applied.
1451 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1451 def set_style_sheet(styleSheet) end |
#set_text_cursor(cursor) ⇒ void Also known as: text_cursor=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the text (normal) cursor.
353 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 353 def set_text_cursor(cursor) end |
#set_url_cursor(cursor) ⇒ void Also known as: url_cursor=
This method returns an undefined value.
Sets the cursor to be used over URLs.
364 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 364 def set_url_cursor(cursor) end |
#set_value(value) ⇒ void Also known as: value=
This method returns an undefined value.
Replaces existing content with the given text.
1843 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1843 def set_value(value) end |
#should_inherit_colours ⇒ Boolean
Return true from here to allow the colours of this window to be changed by Window#inherit_attributes.
Returning false forbids inheriting them from the parent window. The base class version returns false, but this method is overridden in Control where it returns true.
1634 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1634 def should_inherit_colours; end |
#show_context_menu(menu, pt, addPropertyCommands) ⇒ Boolean
Shows the given context menu, optionally adding appropriate property-editing commands for the current position in the object hierarchy.
1480 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1480 def (, pt, addPropertyCommands) end |
#show_position(pos) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Scrolls the buffer so that the given position is in view.
792 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 792 def show_position(pos) end |
#start_cell_selection(table, newCell) ⇒ Boolean
Starts selecting table cells.
1661 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1661 def start_cell_selection(table, newCell) end |
#store_focus_object(obj) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Setter for m_focusObject.
480 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 480 def store_focus_object(obj) end |
#suppressing_undo ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if undo history suppression is on.
1366 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1366 def suppressing_undo; end |
#undo ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Undoes the command at the top of the command history, if there is one.
840 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 840 def undo; end |
#word_left(noPages = 1, flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Moves a number of words to the left.
1331 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1331 def word_left(noPages=1, flags=0) end |
#word_right(noPages = 1, flags = 0) ⇒ Boolean
Move a number of words to the right.
1337 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 1337 def word_right(noPages=1, flags=0) end |
#write_field(fieldType, properties, textAttr = ( ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextField
Writes a field at the current insertion point.
953 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 953 def write_field(fieldType, properties, textAttr=( end |
#write_image(image, bitmapType = Wx::BitmapType::BITMAP_TYPE_PNG, textAttr = ( ⇒ Boolean #write_image(bitmap, bitmapType = Wx::BitmapType::BITMAP_TYPE_PNG, textAttr = ( ⇒ Boolean #write_image(filename, bitmapType, textAttr = ( ⇒ Boolean #write_image(imageBlock, textAttr = ( ⇒ Boolean
934 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 934 def write_image(*args) end |
#write_table(rows, cols, tableAttr = (, cellAttr = ( ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextTable
Write a table at the current insertion point, returning the table.
You can then call #set_focus_object to set the focus to the new object.
963 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 963 def write_table(rows, cols, tableAttr=(, cellAttr=( end |
#write_text(text) ⇒ void
This method returns an undefined value.
Writes text at the current position.
589 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 589 def write_text(text) end |
#write_text_box(textAttr = ( ⇒ Wx::RTC::RichTextBox
Write a text box at the current insertion point, returning the text box.
You can then call #set_focus_object to set the focus to the new object.
941 |
# File 'lib/wx/doc/gen/rtc/rich_text_ctrl.rb', line 941 def write_text_box(textAttr=( end |